Course code BūvTB001
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation24.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
TraZ4058, Roads and Traffic Management I
TraZ4059 [GTRA4058] Roads and Traffic Management II
The aim of the study course: to master the basic elements of road equipment, their use and connection with automated traffic management systems, as well as to get an idea of traffic modeling programs and their role in ensuring traffic safety.
Students are provided with knowledge on transport flow, main parameters of traffic intensity, as also on traffic organization and modelling. The course take a look on road facilities, roads and traffic safety, work psychology of vehicle drivers, fundamentals of transport flow theory and technical recourses for traffic control, software for traffic modelling.
1. Knowledge - is able to demonstrate specialized knowledge about the elements of road equipment and their application, as well as their integration into the overall traffic management system.
2. Skills - the ability to integrate and use knowledge in solving traffic organization problems and analyzing the factors influencing it. Ability to compare different solutions and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
3. Competence - is able to constantly analyze and solve traffic organization problems, using modeling tools and performing qualitative and quantitative analysis based on available data.
• Familiar with the problems of the traffic organisation, the basic principles of traffic management, technical means and solutions – Test No. 1.
• Capable of creating a model and modelling traffic situations – Practical works.
In full-time studies:
1. Theory of transport flows. (2 h lect.)
2. Methodological bases of the traffic organisation. (1 h lect.)
3. Traffic organisation in specific circumstances. (1 h lect., 1 h practical w.)
4. Identification of dangerous road sections. (1 h lect.)
5. Road equipment. (2 h lect.)
6. The economic effectiveness of the activities of the traffic organisation. (1 h lect.)
7. Traffic management technical resources and automated traffic management systems. (1 h lect.)
8. Major challenges and solutions to road safety. (1 h lect., 1 h practical w.). Test No. 1: Analysis of transport flow, traffic organization problems, technical resources and solutions.
9. Application possibilities of intelligent transport systems (1 h lect., 1 h practical w.)
10. Registration and analysis of transport flows. (1 h lect., 2 h practical w.)
11. Basic principles for traffic modelling. (1 h lect., 1 h practical w.)
12. Traffic modelling programmes. (1 h lect., 1 h practical w.)
13. Model creation. (1 h lect., 4 h practical w.)
14. Traffic modelling in the VISSIM. (2 h practical w.)
15. Traffic modelling in the VISUM. (2 h practical w.)
16. Analysis and assessment of the established traffic model. (1 h lect., 1 h practical w.). Test No. 2: Traffic modelling and its application in solving traffic organization problems.
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
There must be written test and counted practical works.
Preparation for test and practical works.
The overall assessment of the study course compose the exam grade.
Student can get a successful mark on the test if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly.
Practical works are evaluated according to the established evaluation procedures of such practical works.
1. Šmigins R. Autoceļi un satiksmes vadība. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 100 lpp.
2. Mannering F.L., Washburn S.S. Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis. Singapore: Wiley, 2013. 330 p.
3. Slinn M., Guest P., Matthews P. Traffic engineering design: principles and practice. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005. 232 p.
4. Traffic simulation and data: validation methods and applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2017. 245 p.
1. Bidzāns J. Pilsētu ceļi, ielas un laukumi. Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. Ceļu un tiltu katedra. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 88 lpp.
2. Zemītis M. Autoceļu ekspluatācija. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 75 lpp. Pieejams tiešsaistē:
3. Handbook of transport systems and traffic control. Edited by K. J. Button, D. A. Hensher. Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2001. 602 p.
1. Ceļu specifikācijas. VAS "Latvijas Valsts Ceļi". [tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 24.07.2021.] Pieejams tiešsaistē:
Mandatory: for academic bachelor study programme Agricultural Engineering (automotive) in full and part time studies.