Course code Biol3020
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation11.10.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Mg. silv.
Arhi1036, Landscape Studies
Biol1022, Dendrology
Biol2002, Dendrology
The study course aims to understand development of dendrology in the world and in Latvia. The role of woody plants in the world and in Latvia. The process and possibilities of the introduction and acclimatization of woody plants. Characterization of woody plant taxa - their role in life, food, everyday life, alternative ways of application.
The evaluation of the study course exam depends on the cumulative evaluation of the individual and group homework of the study course (max. 8 points). Additional 2 points can be received for class attendance if it is not lower than 75%.
The assessment of the homework depends on the accuracy of the discovery of the task to be performed and the creativity in its presentation.
The exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of two homework assignments (80% of the final grade), to which 2 points are added, if at least 75% of classes are attended.
1. Woody plants in the life of people. Gymnosperms - 2 h
2. Woody plants in the life of people. Angiosperms – 2 h
3. Rare and protected woody plants. Gymnosperms - 2 h
4. Rare and protected woody plants. Angiosperms – 2 h
5. Poisonous woody plants and their use in medicine. Gymnosperms - 2 h
6. Poisonous woody plants and their use in medicine. Angiosperms – 2 h
7. Wood plants important in the household. Gymnosperms - 2 h
8. Wood plants important in the household. Gymnosperms - 2 h
9. Alternative ways of using wood. Gymnosperms - 2 h
10. Alternative ways of using wood. Angiosperms – 2 h
11. The largest dendrological collections in Latvia. Visit to the Botanical Garden of the University of Rīga in Rīga - 6 h
12. The largest dendrological collections in Latvia. Visit to the Latvian National Botanical Garden in Salaspils - 6 h
Cumulative exam evaluation.
The final grade in the study course consists of:
- class attendance – at least 75% of classes attended are awarded 2 points in the final assessment;
- assessment of homework - 80% of the final assessment.
1. homework. When starting the study course, the student draws an individual homework task on one of the subjects of the study course content, which must be creatively presented in the specified time (15 min).
2. homework. At the start of the study course, students form pairs to perform the group task, draw a group homework assignment on one of the topics of the study course content, which must be creatively presented in the specified time (15 min).
The evaluation of the study course exam depends on the cumulative evaluation of the individual and group homework of the study course (max. 8 points). Additional 2 points can be received for class attendance if it is not lower than 75%.
The assessment of the homework depends on the accuracy of the discovery of the task to be performed and the creativity in its presentation.
The exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of two homework assignments (80% of the final grade), to which 2 points are added, if at least 75% of classes are attended.
1. Mauriņš A., Zvirgzds A. Dendroloģija. Jelgava: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2006. 448 lpp.
2. Svilāns A. Eksotiskie koki un krūmi Latvijas dārziem. Rīga: Jumava, 2018. 96 lpp.
3. Kaškure A. Koki un krūmi Latvijas dārzam. Rīga: Jumava, 2012. 126 lpp.
1. Mishra S.R. Textbook of Dendrology. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2011. p. 244
2. Farjon A. A Handbook of the World’s Conifers. Volume I, II. Brill, Leiden, Boston, 2010. 1154 pp. (Vol. 1: 544 pp.; Vol. 2: 610 pp.)
3. Roloff A., Bärtels A. Gehölze. Stuttgart: Ulmer. (Gartenflora, Bd. 1.), 1996. 694 S.
1. Svilāns A., Roze D. Koki daiļdārzā: koki un krūmi sētā, dzīvžogā, alejā zālienā, pie ūdens: Lauku Avīzes tematiskā avīze. Rīga, AS „Lauku Avīze ”, 2007. 64 lpp.
2. AS "Lauku Avīze" tematiskās avīzes
3. Dārzs un Drava: dārzkopības un biškopības žurnāls. Rīga: Dārzs un Drava. ISSN 0132-6457
4. Dārza Pasaule. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5172
Free choice (Part C) study courses in the academic bachelor's study program "Forestry" and the academic bachelor's study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning".