Course code ArhiB016
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures36
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. arch.
ArhiB010, Art History of Architecture and Landscape Architecture I
Arhi2070 [GARH2071] Art History of Architecture and Landscape Architecture II
The aim of the study course is to provide students with the knowledge of development stages and styles of architecture, landscape, and garden art including the most prominent objects worldwide and in Latvia in relation to historic time periods. An important goal of the study course is to find the link between the shape and material of the historic origin and creative achievements of modern architecture and landscape art. The study process contains lectures, laboratory work and a final seminar.
Knowledge: students have knowledge of the English-style park of the period, the origin and structure of Chinese and Japanese architectural and garden art objects, philosophy, the traditional elements and plants used, the 20th and 21st century landscape art, the formation of large city parks. 1st, 2nd, Laboratory work Skills: able to recognize English-style park plans, the impact of the Japanese garden and the garden of the world in art, 20th century and the 21st century architectural and landscape architectural styles. 2nd and 3rd Laboratory work Competence: able to describe, compare and evaluate the 18th to the 20th century and the 21st century architectural and landscape architectural styles, objects created by outstanding landscape architects. 4., 5. Laboratory work, final seminar.
In full-time studies:
1. German Baroque architectural monuments. The largest German baroque gardens. 3h lectures, 1h 1st laboratory work – timeline of stages in the history of gardens.
2. Formation of baroque gardens in Austria. Schönbrunn, Belvedere. 3h lectures, 1h 2nd laboratory work - drawing of baroque parterres and compositions.
3. Baroque gardens in other countries. 3h 1ections, 1h 2nd laboratory work - drawing of baroque parterres and compositions. 1st test on the learned topics.
4. The regularities of the formation of landscaped or English-style parks and their influence on the art of European gardens and parks. 3h lectures, 1h 3rd laboratory work - a drawing of a certain English park plan.
5. The most outstanding landscape parks in England. 3h lectures, 1h 3rd laboratory work - a drawing of a certain English park plan.
6. London's historic gardens and parks, 20th and 21st centuries. 3h lectures, 1h 4th laboratory work – a drawing or sketch of a certain London park plan. 2nd test on the learned topics.
7. Parisian architecture and historical gardens, new parks, and gardens of the 20th and 21st centuries. 3h lectures 1h 5th laboratory work - drawing or sketch of a certain plan of a Paris park.
8. Other outstanding objects of French landscape architects. 3h lectures, 1h 6th laboratory work – drawing of a specific park plan. 3rd test on the learned topics.
9. China's natural conditions, garden philosophy, symbolism, and compositional elements. The most remarkable historical gardens of China. 3h lectures, 1h 7th laboratory work – drawing or sketch of a Chinese garden plan.
10. Japan's natural conditions, garden design philosophy, symbolism, and elements of composition. Plants in Japanese gardens. 3h lectures, 1h 8th laboratory work - drawing or sketch of a Japanese garden plan. 4th test on the learned topics.
11. The rapid development of new architectural objects and forms of gardens at the beginning of the 20th century. 3h lectures, 1h 9th laboratory work - study of the specific landscape architect's biography and works
12. American and European modern landscape art. ASLA Annual Awards. 3h lectures, 1h 9th laboratory work - study of the specific landscape architect's biography and works.
13. 4h 9th laboratory work - preparation of report and presentation about a certain landscape architect and his works. 5th test on the learned topics.
14. Student report presentations 4h 9. laboratory work
15. Student report presentations 4h 9. laboratory work
16. Final course seminar 4h
Class attendance must be no less than 75%. Laboratory work includes drawings and sketches of historical garden plans, positively evaluated tests 1–5, and the preparation and presentation of a report on the achievements of notable landscape architects. Final examination. Works submitted after the specified time (unless there is a justifiable reason) will have their grade reduced in accordance with the assessment rules approved by the institute.
In the 1st laboratory work, a timeline of the history of gardens is prepared. In the 2nd-8th laboratory work, specific drawings or sketches of park plans are developed, in the 9th laboratory work, students choose topics from the range of topics offered by the teaching force, but they can offer their own selected topics. The teacher determines the minimum amount of work. Students develop works independently and present them in the course audience.
The course concludes with a final examination covering all topics discussed during the course. Prior to the examination, laboratory work must be successfully completed, a report prepared and presented, and all tests passed.
Krastiņš J. Rīgas jūgendstila ēkas. Art nouveau buildings in Riga. Ceļvedis pa jūgendstila metropoli. A guide to atr noveau metropolis. Jelgava: Jelgavas tipogrāfija, 2014. 407 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-8318-2-9
Nitschke G. Japanese Gardens. Köln: Benedikt Taschen, 2007. 240 p
Kāvere A. Rīgas dārzu arhitekts Georgs Kūfalts. Jumava. 2007. 193.lpp. ISBN 978-9984-38-349-1
Rutherford.S. Capability Brown And His Landscape Gardens. National Trast Books
2016.192 p. ISBN9781909881549
Лихачёв Д. Поэзия садов. Саннкт- Петербург- Логос, 2008. 448 с. ISBN 9785872883685
Baiba Pīra Rezovska, Anitra Tooma.Rīgas dārzu un parku ceļvedis.Jumava. 2017 199lpp. ISBN 978-993420-080-9
1. Latvijas Architektūra: arhitektūras, dizaina un vides apskats. ISSN 1407-4923.
2. TOPOS. Published by Callwey Verlag. ISSN: 0942-752X.
Compulsory course in full-time studies of MVZF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor).