Course code ArhiB015

Credit points 3

Digital Tools in Landscape Projects IV

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures6

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes26

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation21.11.2023

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developer

author lect.

Artūrs Mengots

Mg. arch.

Prior knowledge

ArhiB011, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects I

ArhiB012, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects III

ArhiB014, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects II

ArhiB015, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects IV

Replaced course

Arhi2065 [GARH2066] Digital Tools in Landscape Projects IV

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to learn Adobe Photoshop in the development of landscape architecture projects and presentation.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge: knowledge of Adobe Photoshop program application and laser cutter application layout creation. Laboratory work No. 1-2.
2. Skills: Students are able to create high-quality graphic materials - posters, plans, sections, photo montages, schemes. Laboratory work No. 1-2.
3. Competence: competently use Adobe Photoshop software for landscape architecture projects. Laboratory work No. 1-2.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Graphic design of landscape plan with Adobe Photoshop (2h- lecture, 2h- laboratory work).
2. Graphic design of sections, elevations. Adobe Photoshop. (4h- laboratory work)
3. Graphic design of landscape diagrams and mapping. Adobe Photoshop. (4h- laboratory work)
4. Graphic design of axonometric drawings. Adobe Photoshop. (4h- laboratory work)
5. Photomontage (Post-production). Adobe Photoshop. (4h- laboratory work)
6. Poster. Adobe Photoshop. Laboratory work No. 1 (2h- lecture, 2h- laboratory work).
7. Portfolio. Adobe Photoshop. Laboratory work No. 2 (2h- lecture, 2h- laboratory work).

8. Presentation and defense of laboratory works (4h- laboratory work)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Graded exam. Attendance at least 75%. All laboratory work completed, submitted and positively assessed within the specified time. Works submitted after the specified time (unless there is a justifiable reason) will have their grade reduced in accordance with the assessment rules approved by the institute.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Developing independent works, studying materials in e-studies and computer classrooms. Developed digital graphic materials for landscape projects.
Laboratory work no. 1. Application of Adobe Photoshop to create a poster (graphic processing of plan, section, elevation, photomontage, scheme). Submitting the visual graphic image of the poster digitally.
Laboratory work no. 2. Digitally created portfolio. Submission of visual graphic material digitally.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course depends on the evaluations of laboratory work.

Compulsory reading

1. Cordoso C. Mastering lumion 3D. Packt Publishing Ltd. 2014. 286 p.
2. Šaflbo tems R. Photoshop soli pa solim. Lielvārde: Lielvārds, 2004. 240 lpp. 3. Haginss B., Proberts I. Digitālā fotogrāfija. Tehnika un iespējas. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. 192 lpp.

Further reading

1. Cantrell B., Michaels W. Digital Drawing for Landscape Architecture. Contemporary Techniques and Tools for Digital Representation in Site Design. Wiley,2015. 317.lpp 2. Amoroso N. Representing Landscapes: Digital. Routledge. 2015, 279lpp


Compulsory course in full-time studies of MVZF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor).