Course code ArhiB001

Credit points 4

Spatial Planning II

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures22

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes22

Independent study hours64

Date of course confirmation10.01.2025

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developers


Aina Palabinska

Mg. oec.

author Zemes pārvaldības un ģeodēzijas institūts

Anda Jankava

Dr. oec.

Prior knowledge

Arhi3092, Spatial Planning I

BūvZ2058, Computer Graphics in Land Management and Surveying

Replaced course

Arhi3093 [GARH3093] Spatial Planning II

Course abstract

The study course gives an idea of the role and significance of spatial planning documents - detailed planning and thematic planning in the development of municipal territories.
Students learn the procedure and conditions for developing a detailed plan. As detailed plans are mostly developed for the needs of further construction of territories, which are mainly related to the development of settlements, the study course acquires the general principles of settlement organization, street networking and planning, functional zone planning and construction, improvement of buildings and equipment.
Students also learn the need, procedures and conditions for developing thematic plans.
Methodology and examples of detailed plans and thematic plans are solved in the laboratory works.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knows the importance of detailed planning, development procedures and conditions in the development of municipal territories - 1st test.
2. Knows the functional structure of urban and rural settlements and the importance of planning in their development - 2nd test.
3. Knows the importance of thematic plans and the procedure and conditions for their development in the development of local government territories - 3rd test.
4. Is able to independently develop a detailed plan and determine the conditions for further use of the site - laboratory work.
5. Is able to develop thematic planning for different levels of territories - laboratory works.
6. Is able to develop and present various levels of spatial planning graphic documents - homework.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full-time studies:
1. Introductory lecture. Course content and tasks. Detailed planning as a spatial planning document (1 h).
2. The role and significance of detailed planning in the development of territories (1 h).
3. Content of the detailed plan and general conditions of development (2 h).
4. Regulations for the use and construction of the territory in detailed planning (2 h).
Test 1: Significance of detailed planning, development procedure and conditions for sustainable development of territories (1 h).
5. The concept and types of settlements, the role of planning in their development (1 h).
6. General organization of the territory of settlements (1 h).
7. Streets and squares of settlements (1h).
8. Structure of the residential area of settlements (1 h).
9. Improvement works in settlement projects (1 h).
Test 2: Functional structure of urban and rural settlements and the role of planning in their development (1 h).
10. General concept of thematic planning. The need for their development at different levels of planning (2 h).
11. Composition of the thematic plan and general conditions for its development (2 h).
12. Content of the thematic plan (2 h).
13. Procedures for developing a thematic plan and its significance (2 h).
Test 3: The importance of thematic planning, development procedure (1 h).

Laboratory works:
Detailed planning (16h)
1. Receipt of the task (object), acquaintance with the municipal spatial plan, regulations for the use and construction of the territory. Research of the current situation of the territory - encumbrances, road and street infrastructure. Compilation of the shelter scheme (2 h).
2. Territory research and balance preparation (2h).
3. Identification and design of protection zones in the plan of the current situation of the territory (2h).
4. Distribution of the territory, determination of the area of the planned land units and the planned (permitted) use, preparation of the building regulations plan (2 h).
5. Access solutions for designed land units. Preparation of the planned construction and traffic infrastructure plan. Development of designed cross-sections of streets and roads (2 h).
6. Engineering communications connection and location solutions, drawing up their plan (4 h).
7. Marking of protection zones, determination of encumbrance code and areas in the designed land units. Development of territory use and building regulations for the planned land units. Addressing solutions (2h).
Thematic planning (6h)
8. Receiving an assignment (object), getting acquainted with the municipal spatial plan. Preparation of the terms of reference (2h).
9. Acquisition and preparation of data and information necessary for the development of the thematic plan (2h).
10. Development of thematic plan (2h).

Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

To obtain a cumulative exam score:
• pass three tests on the theoretical part

• systematic performance of laboratory work

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Research of special literature on urban planning and planning of rural settlements, research of regulatory enactments on development of detailed planning and thematic planning, development of project plans

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course test with a mark will consist of the average evaluation of three tests and the evaluation of laboratory work performance.

Compulsory reading

1. Briņķis J., Buka O. Pilsētu un lauku apdzīvoto vietu kompleksu arhitektoniski telpiskā plānošana: mācību grāmata. Rīga: RTU, 2006. 236 lpp.
2. Teritorijas attīstības plānošanas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 13.10.2011; stājas spēkā 01.12.2011. [Skatīts 10.02.2021.]. Pieejams:
3. Noteikumi par pašvaldību teritorijas attīstības plānošanas dokumentiem: MK noteikumi Nr. 628 [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 01.05.2015. [Skatīts 10.02.2021]. Pieejams:
4. Vispārīgie teritorijas plānošanas, izmantošanas un apbūves noteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr.240 [tiešsaiste].Stājas spēkā 22.05.2013. [Skatīts 10.02.2021] Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Parker S. Urban theory and the urban experience: encountering the city. London: New York: Routledge, 2004. 210 p.
2. Kaplan D., Wheeler J., Holloway S. Urban geography. David Kaplan, James Wheeler, Steven Holloway. 2nd ed. Hoboken NJ: Wiley, 2009. 512 p.
3. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 008-14 „Inženiertīklu izvietojums”: MK noteikumi Nr. 574 [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2014. [Skatīts 10.02.2021]. Pieejams:
4. Noteikumi par Apgrūtināto teritoriju informācijas sistēmas izveidi un uzturēšanu un apgrūtināto teritoriju un nekustamā īpašuma objekta apgrūtinājumu klasifikatoru: MK noteikumi Nr. 61 [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 13.02.2014. [Skatīts 10.02.2021]. Pieejams:


In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies