Course code Arhi1028
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures40
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Number of hours for laboratory classes12
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. arch.
Classification and types of use of the range of building materials used outdoors. Learning the properties of individual materials both theoretically and in practical work. Types of building structures used outdoors: retaining walls, slopes, embankment reinforcements, stairs, ramps. Use of geotextiles outdoors. Wooden and metal structures, posts, supports, ties. Getting to know materials according to the properties of the materials used and the intended type and intensity of use of the element. Types of outdoor coverings, their properties. Various specialists from various industries and specific fields are involved in the implementation of the course with guest lectures in seminars.
• Knowledge: on various types of building materials and building structures used in outdoor spaces. Student’s knowledge is tested in 1 test and based on materials, and gained knowledge about materials is tested in practical work number 1. • Skills: students are able to identify the most suitable material for respective small architectural forms, coatings. Skills about material matching and possibilities of use are gained in practical work number 2. • Competence: the selection of building materials for landscape projects and their matching, during the inspection of outdoor material factories. Practical work number 3.
1 548 / 5 000
1. Main properties, types of materials used outdoors, their potential for use outdoors. Classification of building materials and history of development (lecture 6 h).
2. Natural stone materials and products, their potential for use outdoors
(lecture 6 h).
3. Construction constructive approaches and solutions. Waterproofing, durability and safety. Basic cross-sections (lecture 4 h).
4. Timber and their products, elements, parts. Tree species used outdoors
(lecture 4 h).
5. Cross-section of lawn, reinforced lawn, basic principles (lecture 2 h).
6. Concrete, their products, elements, parts outdoors. Basic principles for using construction mortar
(lecture 2 h).
7. Metal and glass, fiberglass elements, their products, elements, parts outdoors
(lecture 4 h).
8. Composite materials, their use outdoors. Geosynthetic materials and the use of their products outdoors. Dyes, their types and possibilities of use outdoors (lecture 4 h).
9. Loose coverings, hard coverings, their types, specifics of use and design. Principal cross-sections (lecture 4 h).
10. Seminar: survey of territories in nature, getting to know materials and their configurations. Understanding of principal cross-sections in nature.
11. Development of 3D concrete elements, scanning in construction processes (lecture 4 h).
12. Practical work No. 1. and test on the classification and development history of building materials (2 h).
13. Seminar: types of coverings outdoors (2 h).
14. Practical work No. 2 (2 h).
15. Laboratory work No. 1. (12 h).
16. Seminar: outdoor material production plants (6 h).
Class attendance not less than 75%. The developed practical work was submitted on time. Works submitted after the specified time (unless there is a justifiable reason) will have their grade reduced in accordance with the assessment rules approved by the institute. Positively evaluated practical work. An accumulative test is also possible, the fulfillment criteria of which are determined by the head of the study course.
Practical work number 1 – individual research and analyse of materials usable in outdoor. Preparation of presentation in PowerPoint program.
Practical work number 2 – junctions of materials connections, specification and constructive solutions. Practical work has to be presets on A3 form sheets.
Practical work number 3 – nature material collection, environmental object installation sketches and appropriate specification development.
Test number 1. - Building material groups and development history.
Study course evaluation depends from course practical works accumulative evaluation and student’s activity in study process as well as in monitoring of material factories. Practical works are evaluated according to defined work requirements.
1. Noviks J. Būvdarbi I. 3. izdevums, pārstrādāts un papildināts. Rīga: ISAVE, 2008. 302 lpp. ISBN 9984-9545-1-X
2. Noviks J. Būvdarbi II. 3. izdevums, pārstrādāts un papildināts. Rīga: ISAVE, 2008. 214 lpp. ISBN 9984-9545-4-4
3. Noviks J. Būvdarbi VII. Rīga: SIA "Tehniskā grāmata", 2010. 237 lpp. ISBN 9984-49-082-3
1. Strungs, O. Būvmateriālu mācība, 2013. Tiešsaiste. Skatīts 14.03.2017. Pieejams
2. Popovs L. Būvmateriāli un būvizstrādājumi. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1990. 251lpp.
3. Bērziņš E. Būvdarbu tehnoloģija un organizēšana. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1993. 445 lpp.
Compulsory course in full-time studies of MVZF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor). The study course is also taught in English.