Course code VidZ4009

Credit points 3

Limnology and Hydrobiology

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8

Number of hours for laboratory classes8

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation20.02.2013

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developer

author reserch

Inga Grīnfelde


Prior knowledge

HidZ2012, Applied Hydrology

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge of limnology and hydrobiology, changes in the physical and chemical properties of water in water bodies, water quality characteristics and factors affecting them. They should ensure the competence of students in dealing with issues related to the protection and management of water bodies

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After successful completion of this course, student:
1. Are familiar with basic questions about hydrological, biochemical and biological processes in water bodies. Knowledge of the development of water bodies and the anthropogenic impact on water quality. An in-depth understanding of changes in hydrological, biochemical and biological processes of the body of water caused by anthropogenic effects; (10 minitests).
2. He is able to survey and identify the type of water body in nature to recognise the main representatives of the fauna and flora inherent to the conditions of Latvia in the water body. Identify the effects of anthropogenic effects. (5 practical works).

3. Be able to assess the state of the body of water, to determine the effectiveness of management measures. Develop a plan for sustainable management of the water body (5 practical works).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Limnology and hydrobiology content and development history. Distribution and origin of continental water bodies; (2 h)
2. Hydrological cycle in water bodies. Thermal and light mode of water bodies; (2 h)
3. Water movement in the water body. Structure and productivity of the ecosystem of the water body; (2 h)
4. Oxygen circulation in the water body. Life cycles of minerals and organic compounds of the water body; (2 h)
5. Algae and cyanobacteria. Zooplankton and its interaction with fish; (2 h)
6. Bacterioplankton. Macrophytes. Litoral algae. Microflora and sediment (2 h)
7. Deep-sea fauna and fish. Organic carbon cycle and metabolism of the ecosystem of the water body; (2 h)
8. Cycle of development of the water body - augmentation. Eutrophication; (2 h)
9. Anthropogenic effects on the biological processes of the water body; (2 h)
10. Basic principles for the management of the water body; (2 h)
11. Water quality measures (2 h)
12. Ensuring the hydrological regime of the water body; (2 h)
13. Mitigation measures for eutrophication of the water body; (2 h)
14. Fish hydrobiology; (2 h)
15. Presentation of practical works (2 h)

16. Test(2 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points


Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. The student should prepare himself for mini-tests on topics and home reading in lectures.
2. Works in practice are developed in the audience. The descriptive part of the work to be submitted, the graphic material and the design thereof shall be performed independently in conformity with the task, the rules for drawing up student works and other indications.

3. The development of laboratory works takes place in the audience. The descriptive part of the work to be submitted, the graphic material and the design thereof shall be performed independently in conformity with the task, the rules for drawing up student works and other indications.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. General. The evaluation of the study course depends on the sum of points obtained during the semester, tests and practical work. A maximum of 100 points can be obtained, corresponding to 10 points.
2. Activities:
a. ten, mini tests, up to 2 points can be obtained in each (maximum 20 points);
b. ten practical works, up to 6 points can be obtained in each (maximum 60 points);
c. participation in all lectures (maximum 10 points, at 100% attendance);
d. Practical works in the e-studies system have been submitted within the deadlines (maximum 10 points).
The final assessment according to the total amount of points received during the semester:
• less than 50 points – 3 (unsatisfactory);
• 50...54 points - 4 (almost satisfactory);
• 55...59 points - 5 (satisfactory);
• 60...69 points - 6 (almost good);
• 70...79 points - 7 (good);
• 80...89 points - 8 (very good);
• 90...95 points - 9 (excellent);
• 96...100 points - 10 (with distintion).
The test in written form at the end of the semester shall be organised for students who have obtained a lower grade than 8 (very good) in the joint assessment.

Compulsory reading

1. Red. Māris Kļaviņš, Jānis Zaļoksnis. Vide un ilgtspējīga attīstība. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2010. 334 lpp.
2. Urtāne L. Metodika ūdensaugu un ūdensdzīvnieku noteikšanai, upes kvalitātes noteikšanai “Upes tīrības pakāpes noteikšana”, Ziemeļvidzemes biosfēras rezervāta sabiedriskā monitoringa rokasgrāmata. [Latvia] : Ziemeļvidzemes biosfēras rezervāta administrācija, 2007. 195 lpp.;
3. Cimdiņš P. Limnoekoloģija. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2001. 159 lpp.
4. Wetzel Robert G. Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems. Third edition. San Diego: Academic press , 2001. 1006 p.

Further reading

1. Kundziņš M., Andrušaitis G. Latvijas ezeri. Rīga: Liesma, 1973. 140 lpp.
2. Leinerte M. Ezeri deg. Rīga: Zinātne, 1988. 93 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Vides vēstis: Vides aizsardzības kluba žurnāls.Rīga : Vides aizsardzības klubs. ISSN 1407-2939.
2. LimnologyandOceanography.PublishedbyAssociationfortheSciencesofLimnologyandOceanography. 1956 - .print ISSN 0024-3590. online ISSN 1939- 5590. [skatīts 02.04.2013.]. Pieejams:


Professional bachelor study program Environment and Water Management