Course code VidZ3044

Credit points 3

The Management of Environmental Projects

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation24.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author reserch

Inga Grīnfelde


author lect.

Jovita Pilecka-Uļčugačeva

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge about the division of environmental projects and their role in the context of circular economy. The concept of environmental projects and their main applications.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Able to demonstrate comprehensive and specialized knowledge and understanding of facts, theories, regularities and technologies relevant to project management (tests and laboratory works).
Able to perform practical tasks in the field of environmental project management, based on an analytical approach, discuss practical issues and solutions in the field of environmental project management with colleagues, clients and management, with a corresponding degree of independence to further study, improving their competencies.

Able to formulate, describe and analyze practical problems in environmental project management, select the necessary information and use it to solve clearly defined problems. During the study course, 6 practical works are developed, during which students gain a deeper understanding of environmental projects and their application.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Distribution of environmental projects and main objectives (1h)
2. 1. Practical work: Environmental project analysis (3h)
3. Basic principles of environmental project development (1h)
4. 2. Practical work: Development of an environmental project idea (3h)
5. Sources of financing of environmental projects and main results to be achieved (2h)
6. 3. Practical work: Environmental project application forms (3h)
7. Activities to be supported in environmental projects (2h)
8. Test 1 (1h)
9. Basic principles of environmental project application preparation (2h)
10. 4. Practical work: Formulation of goals and tasks of the environmental project (2h)
11. Financing of environmental projects (2h)
12. 5. Practical work: Environmental project budget development (3h)
13. Environmental project evaluation criteria (2h)
14. 6. Practical work: Evaluation of environmental project application (2h)
15. The role of environmental projects in the context of circular economy (2h)

16. Test 2 (1h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Classes were attended and four practical works were successfully developed and defended and two tests were successfully passed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. The student must independently prepare for two tests on the topics covered in the lectures.

2. Development of practical works takes place in the auditorium. The descriptive part of the submitted work, graphic material and its design shall be performed independently in accordance with the task, the rules of designing student work and the teacher's instructions.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. General. The evaluation of the study course depends on the amount of points obtained during the semester, tests and laboratory works. In total, you can get a maximum of 100 points, which corresponds to 10 points.
2. Works to be performed:
a. two tests, where up to 20 points can be obtained in each (maximum 40 points in total);
b. six practical works, where up to 10 points can be obtained in each (maximum 60 points in total);
3. Conditions for the overall assessment:
a. 3 (unsatisfactory), if less than 50% of the maximum number of points have been obtained during the semester;
b. 4 (almost satisfactory) 50...54 points;
c. 5 (satisfactory) 55...60 points;
d. 6 (almost good) 60...69 points;
e. 7 (good) 70...79 points;
f. 8 (very good) 80...89 points;
g. 9 (excellent) 90...95 points;

h. 10 (outstanding) 95...100 points.

Compulsory reading

1. Vide un ilgtspējīga attīstība. Red. M. Kļaviņš, J. Zaļokšnis Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011 334 lpp. ISBN 9789984454030

Periodicals and other sources

1. Sopus – izdevniecības Elsevier bibliogrāfiskās un citēšanas informācijas datubāze. Pieejams:
2. Žurnāls Vides Vēstis. Pieejams:

3. Meža un ūdens resursu zinātniskās laboratorijas mājaslapa. Pieejams:


Professional bachelor study program Environment and Water Management