Course code ValoP309

Credit points 3

Professional Russian in Hospitality

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation20.03.2019

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developer

author Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts

Ina Gode

Dr. paed.

Course abstract

The study course includes coverage of the knowledge and skills needed for future specialists to succeed in their professional careers, whilst working in the field of catering and hotel entrepreneurship and developing business communication in Russian with foreign clients, colleagues and cooperation partners. It focuses on professional vocabulary building related to the operational activities of enterprises, characteristics of cross-cultural communication, the national cuisines of diverse countries etc. The study process is based on the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: about the usage of Russian in the professional area at the A1-A2 level. Professional vocabulary of the catering and hotel industry related to operational activities of catering enterprises, hotels and travel companies; investigation and analysis of customers' needs; cross-cultural communication.
Skills: Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge to the professional activities in tourism, catering and hotel entrepreneurship. They are able to use their communicative skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing whilst participating in discussions, creating dialogues, and making presentations. They are able to use diverse expressions when receiving customers, giving them accurate information about the facilities and services, when identifying customers' needs and recommending services, and when dealing with problems.
Competence: Communicative competence and cross-cultural competence to apply a foreign language purposefully and independently.
Assessment – 2 terminology tests; written summaries, letters; oral dialogues, role plays, runas prasmes pilnveide nodarbībās; presentations. The assessment according to the 10 - point scale.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Hotel. Tourist reception in hotel.
2. Services of hotels.
3. Classification of hotels.
4. Filling-in of various forms.
5. Names of food-stuffs.
6. Menu, types of menu.
7. Menu formation.
8. Classification of restaurants.
9. Equipment and devices of restaurants.
10. Start of catering business.
11. Table servicing.
12. Types of tourism.
13. Trip vocabulary.
14. German, Austrian, Swiss cuisines.
15. Cuisines of the world.
16. Presentation of individual works of students.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Assessment: Test (pass / fail).
It is made up of cumulative assessment. Requirements – 2 successfully written tests, students’ individual assignments (home reading ~2,000 printed marks, presentation), homework handed in on time. Class attendance 80%.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. 2 terminology tests - to evaluate students’ knowledge on the terminology used in catering and tourism industry
2. Individual assignment – independently chosen professional text – 2,000 printed marks, a written summary- translation of 10 terms, definitions of 10 terms, an oral translation of some parts of the text, a presentation ~ 4-5 minutes long.
Pair or group work presentations on a topic related to the study course.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Cumulated assessment (pass / fail) is composed of the grades in the following: tests (40%) + individual assignment (20%) + independent reading (40%). The grade in tests is successful if at least 70% of answers are correct.

Compulsory reading

1. Азимов, Э.Г. Начальный курс русского языка / Э.Г. Азимов, М.Н. Вятютнев, Л.В. Фарисенкова…[и др.]. - Москва: ИКАР, 2008. - 272 с. - (РМ). Nav liel. b-kās
2. Малышев, Г.Г. Русская грамматика в картинках для начинающих. - 4-е изд., стереотип. - Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2006. - 304 с. - (РМ).
3. Лексический минимум по русскому языку как иностранному. Базовый уровень. Общее владение / сост. Н.П. Андрюшина, Т.В. Козлова; пер. С. Голубева, А.С. Макаревича... [и др.]; гл. ред. А.В. Голубева. - 3-е изд. - Москва: ЦМО МГУ, 2006. - 116 с. - (РМ).
4. Кумбашева, Ю.А. Человек в современном мире: учебное пособие по разговорной практике / Ю.А. Кумбашева. - Москва: Флинта: Наука, 2006. - 197 с. - (Русский язык как иностранный). - (РМ).

Further reading

1. Фразеологизмы в русской речи: словарь-справочник / Н.Б. Баско. - 2-е изд. - Москва: Флинта: Наука, 2007. - 270 с. - (РМ).
2. Энциклопедический словарь-справочник. Выразительные средства русского языка и речевые ошибки и недочеты / А.П. Сковородникова. - Москва: Флинта: Наука, 2005. - 480 с. - (РМ).
3. Козлова, Т.В. Начало. Начальный курс русского языка для делового общения (с комментариями на английском языке): учебное издание. Часть 1 / Т.В. Козлова, И.В. Курлова, М.В. Кульгавчук; под ред. Т.В. Козловой. - Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2007. - 192 с. - (РМ).
4. Лингвисты шутят / сост. А.К. Киклевич. [tiešsaiste] Москва: Флинта: Наука, 2006. - 216 с. - (РМ). [skatīts 25.03.2019.] Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. «Русский язык за рубежом » [skatīts 25.03.2019.]
2. «Московский лингвистический журнал» [skatīts 25.03.2019.]
3. «Русский язык сегодня» [skatīts 25.03.2019.]
4. Ежегодник «Этимология» [skatīts 25.03.2019.]


Professional language in the hospitality industry (Russian) – 3-rd term