Course code VadZ5070
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures18
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes18
Independent study hours84
Date of course confirmation15.01.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Dr. oec.
Students get an in-depth knowledge of the essence, functions and methods of human resource management in an organisation. Students build up an understanding of the role and processes of human resource management and are able to elaborate a strategy for human resource management to achieve the goals of the organisation more effectively.
1. Students will be able to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the functions and methods of and trends in human resource management – independent work, practical assignments.
2. Students will be able to demonstrate a specific knowledge of human resource management processes in an organisation – independent work, practical assignments, an examination.
3. Draw up and assess a human resource strategy for an organisation – independent work, practical assignments, an examination.
4. Do necessary activities in human resource management based on the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired – independent work.
5. Independently apply theory, research methods and problem-solving skills – independent work, practical assignments.
6. Find, critically assess and creatively use information for performing a task and finding a solution – independent work, practical assignments.
7. Cooperate and communicate with others – independent work, practical assignments.
8. Define and come up with solutions to human resource management problems, substantiate the solutions and identify the causes of the problems – independent work, practical assignments, an examination.
9. Manage human resources in an organisation – independent work, practical assignments.
1. The essence of human resource management (lectures – 2 hours, practical task – 1 hour)
2. Historical and philosophical development of human resources (lecture – 1 hour)
3. Human resource management tendencies in organizations (lectures – 2 hours, practical tasks – 2 hours; independent work – 2 hours)
4. Characteristics of generations and tendencies in human resource management (lectures – 2 hours, practical tasks – 2 hours)
5. Organizational culture (lecture – 1 hour)
6. Formulation and implementation of human resources strategy (lectures – 2 hours, independent work – 3 hours)
7. Planning and provision of human resources (lectures – 2 hours, practical tasks – 2 hours)
8. Motivation and assessment of human resources (lectures – 2 hours, practical task – 1 hour)
9. Team building and leadership in organization (lectures – 2 hours, practical tasks – 4 hours)
10. Opportunities of socionics in human resource management (lectures – 2 hours, practical task – 1 hour)
At the end of the study course students have to pass an examination on the topics acquired during the course.
Within the framework of the course 2 independent works are planned. In the first, students analyse human resource management problems in the company “X” (description is provided by the teacher) and present solutions to other students. Presentation – up to 10 minutes.
In the second independent work, students develop a human resources strategy in a selected organization, providing an assessment of it. Students make a presentation about the human resource strategy they have developed. Demonstration duration up to 10 minutes.
1. Independent work 1 (case study): human resource management problems and the causes at company X – 20 scores.
2. Independent work 1 (presentation): characteristics and an assessment of a human resource strategy for a chosen organisation – 40 scores.
3. Examination – 40 scores.
A score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
The assessment of the study course depends on the assessment of both independent works and examination – a score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale. Assignments are assessed in accordance with the assessment procedure established in the assignment.
1. Darba likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 20.06.2001. Stājas spēkā 01.06.2002. [Skatīts 21.11.2019.]. Pieejams:
2. Vadīšanas pamati. Mācību līdzeklis LLU studentiem un maģistrantiem un lauku uzņēmēju kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanai. Sast. U.Ivans un S. Ruskule. Mālnava, 2006. 502 lpp.
3. Vorončuka I. Personāla vadība: teorija un prakse. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2009. 399 lpp.
4. Ešenvalde I. Personāla vadības mūsdienu metodes. Rīga: Merkūrijs LAT, 2008. 349 lpp.
5. Forands I. Palīgs personāla speciālistam. Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2007. 251 lpp.
6. Latvijas Republikas likumi un normatīvie akti. Pieejami
1. Boitmane I. Personāla atlase un novērtēšana. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2006. 160 lpp.
2. Zīlīte L. Personāla vadība un socionika. Rīga: Turība Biznesa Augstskola SIA, 2013. 304 lpp.
3. Daliba I. Kā rekrutēt veiksmīgāk. Rīga: Mansards, 2017. 158 lpp.
1. Human Resource Management Journal. ISSN: 1748-8583
2. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Print ISSN: 0958-5192 Online ISSN: 1466-4399
3. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management. ISSN: 0742-7301
Compulsory course for the ESAF professional Master programme Business Management