Course code VadZ4010
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation20.03.2013
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Dr. oec.
Ekon1012, Microeconomics
VadZ4027, Entrepreneurship
The course familiarises students with the evolution of scientific management and builds up an understanding of management functions and methods. The course develops an understanding of the substance, elements and models of the strategic planning process for enterprises. Students are equipped with the knowledge of all the aspects of personnel management and personnel management methods and techniques. The course also provides students with an understanding of management ethics and social responsibility.
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the evolution of management theory and the interaction among the elements of the internal and external environments of an enterprise - discussions in classes, practical assignments, a test, an examination;
- Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the process and aspects of drawing up a strategy - discussions in classes, practical assignments, a test, an examination;
- Demonstrate the knowledge of conceptions of how to establish enterprise constituent units - practical assignments, a test, an examination;
- Demonstrate the understanding of the substance and concepts of personnel management - practical assignments, a test;
- Do personnel planning for the needs of an enterprise and organise personnel evaluations - practical assignments, group work, a test;
- Determine management styles - discussions in classes;
- Apply management methods in an enterprise - practical assignments, group work;
- Perform an analysis of an enterprise strategy - practical assignments, group work, a test;
- Acquire information and perform a simulation of the management process in the enterprise - practical group work;
- Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given - group work, independent work;
- Effectively work in a team, delegate and coordinate the fulfilment of responsibilities, assume responsibility for the results of the group work - group work;
- Present and explain to other the results of the work – presentation;
- Reasonably discuss the evolution of scientific management - practical assignments, group work;
- Independently define and critically analyse enterprise management processes and problems, understand and apply management methods to perform management functions - independent group work, a situation simulation, an examination;
- Describe the key ways of organising and managing work - practical assignments, group work, an examination;
- Assess and decide on social responsibility and business management ethics - practical assignments, group work, an examination;
- Actively participate in a simulation of the management process - practical assignments.
1. Management. Formation of scientific thought in management. Management principles and regularities. (Lecture 3 hours, practical assignments- 1 hour)
2. Management functions and methods (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
3. Company (organization) as an object of management (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
4. Information and communication in the management process (Lecture 2 hours, practical assignments - 2 hours)
5. Decisions, decision making process (Lecture 2 hours, practical assignments - 1 hour)
Test (practical assignments - 1 hour)
6. Company (organization) strategy (Lecture 2 hours, practical assignments - 2 hours)
7. Business, functional and corporate level strategy (Lecture 2 hours, practical assignments - 2 hours)
8. Planning, modern planning methods (waterfall, Agile, etc.). Organization, formation of organizational structure. (Lecture 2 hours, practical assignments - 3 hours)
9. Cooperation in the organization and powers (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
10. Motivation and motivation theories (Lecture 2 hours, practical assignments - 2 hours)
11. Personnel management (Lecture 5 hours, practical assignments - 3 hours)
Test (practical assignments - 1 hour)
12. Organizational changes and organizational development. (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
13. Evaluation of management efficiency (control) (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
14. The role and essence of the leader in the organization (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
15. Supervisor's professional program and its content (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 2 hours)
16. Manager's social responsibility and management ethics (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
17. Management style, their types, efficiency (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 2 hours)
18. Power and authority, essence and influence in management processes. Leader, leadership theories (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
Test (practical assignments - 1 hour)
19. Stress and self (time) management (Lecture 1 hour, practical assignments - 1 hour)
The evaluation of the study course consists of:
1) 1st test - a maximum score of 10;;
2) 2nd test - a maximum score of 10;
3) 3rd test - a maximum score of 10;
4) Independent group work - a maximum score of 10;
5) Activity during classes - a maximum score of 10;
6) The examination (Moodle environment) - a maximum score of 50.
Independent assignment has to be defined during practical assignment.
Independent assignments require students to: simulation of the process of formation, establishment and management of company X.
The final mark consists of the following assessment:
1) 1st test - a maximum score of 10;;
2) 2nd test - a maximum score of 10;
3) 3rd test - a maximum score of 10;
4) Independent group work - a maximum score of 10;
5) Activity during classes - a maximum score of 10;
6) The examination (Moodle environment) - a maximum score of 50.
A score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
1. Praude V. Menedžments. 1. grāmata. 3. pārstrād. un papild. izd. Rīga: Burtene. 2012. 498 lpp.
2. Praude V. Menedžments. 2. grāmata. 3. pārstrād. un papild. izd. Rīga: Burtene, 2012. 307 lpp.
3. Vecvanags M. Darījumu sarunas: stratēģijas un taktikas. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2018. 166 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-0-7330-4
4. Zīlīte L. Personāla vadība un socionika. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība izdevniecība, 2013. 304 lpp.
5. Vadīšanas pamati. Mācību līdzeklis LLU studentiem un maģistrantiem un lauku uzņēmēju kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanai. Sast. U.Ivans un S.Ruskule. Mālnava, 2006. 502 lpp.
6. Caune J., Dzedons A. Stratēģiskā vadīšana. 2.izd. Rīga, 2009, 384 lpp.
7. Dombrovska L.R. Cilvēkresursu kapitāla vadība. Zvaigzne ABC, 2009, 212 lpp.
8. Baaij M., Reinmoeller P. Maping a Winning Strategy: Developing and Executing a Successful Strategy in Turbulent Markets. United Kingdom; North America: Emerald Publishing, 2018. xxiv, 248 p. ISBN 978-1-78756-130-4
9. Thompsons J., Scott J. M., Jonatham M., Martin F. Strategic Management: Awareness & Change. 8th ed. Australia: Cengage Learning, 2017. xx, 650 p. ISBN: 978-1-4737-2633-8
10. Kasahara E. Practical Strategic Management: How to Apply Strategic Thinking in Business. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, 2015. 139 lpp. (ISBN: 978-981-4651-36-3)
11. Thompsons J., Scott J.M., Martin F. Strategic Management: Awareness & Change. 8th ed. Cengage Learning EMEA, 2017. 650 lpp. (ISBN: 978-1-4737-2633-8)
12. Successful Time Management. MTD Training, 2012, 57 p.
13. Human Resource Management. Ed. by J.C.Hayton. Wiley Company, 2013.
14. Senyucel Z. Managin the Human Resource in the 21st century. 2009, 77 p. (e-book:
1. Malachowsky S. Project Team Leadership and Communication. Rochester, NY: Lintwood Press, 2018. – p.233
2. Šarmers K.O. U teorija: vadība no topošās nākotnes. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2018. 445 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-07653-4
3. Drukers Pīters F. Efektīvs vadītājs: Rokasgrāmata 5 svarīgāko efektivitātes paradumu apgūšanai. Rīga: Zoldnera izdevniecība, 2011. 224 lpp.
4. Forands I. Projekta menedžments. Rīga, 2006. 258 lpp.
1. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts: Latvijas Biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri, 2005-. ISSN 1407-2041
Elective study course (Part B) for the ESAF academic bachelor study programme "Economics".