Course code Soci3021
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation07.12.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Social Sciences and Humanities
Mg. sc. soc.
Soci1005, Basics of Research
Soci2047, Qualitative Research Methods
Soci2048, Quantitative Research Methods
The course familiarizes students with the concept of sociology of culture through focusing on and analysing patterns of cultural functioning, cultural processes, changes therein and the influence of culture on society and the economy. Students build up an understanding of the cultural environment and the conditions that shape it as well as acquire the necessary skills for sociological research on culture, problem solving and the application of sociological research methods in analysing cultural phenomena.
The aim of the study course to provide students with knowledge of theoretical approaches to the sociology of culture and the practical aspects of their application in examining cultural developments and problem solving.
Knowledge: Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of patterns of cultural functioning, research problems, methods to be applied and main research fields in the sociology of culture. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of changes in cultural processes and their influence on society, an ability to analyse and describe cultural peculiarities in different social environments and comprehend the causes thereof. (Tests, group work, discussion).
Skills: Ability to apply the knowledge of cultural regularities and processes in analysing cultural problems. Ability to assess the influence of the economic, social and political situation on culture, deal with cultural policy documents and guidelines.
Ability to comprehend sociological research methods and apply them in analysing cultural developments and problems. Ability to responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given. Ability to engage in group work and discussions and assume responsibility for the results and analysis of the group work. Ability to demonstrate social interaction, cooperation and organizational skills specific to the profession. (Tests, individual tasks, presentation, group work, discussions in seminar);
Competence: Ability to independently identify and critically analyse problems in the field of culture and apply sociological research methods in analysing cultural phenomena. (Tests, discussions in seminar, individual tasks and group work)
1. Subject matter and objectives of the sociology of culture. (2 hours)
2. Functions of culture in society. (1 hour)
3. Mechanisms for transfer of cultural values. (2 hours)
4. Goals and models of social regulation of cultural processes. (2 hours)
5. Culture in an information society. (1 hour)
6. Specifics of dissemination of scientific knowledge and artistic products via the mass media. (1 hour)
7. Culture of social groups. (2 hours)
8. Concept of leisure culture. (1 hour)
9. Sociology of art. (1 hour)
10. Nature of cultural creativity. (1 hour)
11. Artistic paradigm and the historical evolution thereof. (2 hours)
List of seminars (16 hours)
1. Culture, the specifics of doing sociological research thereon. (1 hour)
2. Key cultural and sociological concepts. (1 hour)
3. Cultural life as a manifestation of the cultural process. (1 hour)
4. Economic efficiency of culture. (2 hours)
5. Patterns of cultural functioning, changes in and the regulation of cultural processes. Test 1. (1 hour)
6. Cultural policy. The presentation of individual assignment 1 (2 hours)
7. Culture in an information society. (1 hour)
8. Forms, nature and problems of interaction between everyday and high culture. (1 hour)
9. Interaction of culture and society. Modern forms of culture. Test 2 (1 hour)
10. Peculiarities of the cultural environment. (2 hours)
11. Leisure culture. A supply of cultural services. The presentation of individual assignment 2 (2 hours)
12. Artistic culture. The specifics of creativity. (1 hour)
Formal test with a mark (the assessment of student performance is accumulated).
Study process in part-time distance learning is organised in accordance with the Order of the Vice-Rector of Studies No. 2.4.-5/59 On distance learning procedures at LBTU. Study courses are scheduled for each semester according to the study plan. The students learn the topics included in the study course independently, using the materials created and placed by the lecturer in the e-studies (Moodle). Feedback on the learning of lecture and seminar topics in distance learning is organised in the form of self-assessment tests, discussion forums and independent work, as well as in face-to-face or online consultations, lectures and final examinations according to the timetable.
The assigned independent and group works, successfully written tests, activity and discussion in seminars and self-tests.
Credit rating consists of:
1) Test 1 (20%);
2) Test 2 (20%);
3) Activity, discussions in seminar classes. Self-tests (10%);
4) Individual task 1 (20%);
5) Individual task 2 and the presentation thereof (30%)
1. Bendiksens P.Ievads kultūras un mākslas menedžmentā. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds.2008. 382 lpp.
2. Hellemans B. Understanding Culture: A Handbook for Students in the Humanities. Amsterdam, University Press, 2017, 180 p. Pieejams LLU EBSCOhost datubāzē:
3. Kleins A. Kultūrpolitika. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2008. 256 lpp.
4. Mirzojevs N. Kā raudzīties uz pasauli. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2017. 287 lpp.
5. Pennington R. () Cultural Theory for the Humanities. NY,Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2016.173 p. Pieejams LLU EBSCOhost datubāzē:
6. Projekts “Kultūrpolitikas pamatnostādnes 2021.- 2027.gadam“, 2021. Pieejams:
1. Burdjē P. Praktiskā jēga. Rīga:Omnia Mea. 2004. 397 lpp.
2. Griswold W. Cultures and Societies in a Changing Wordl. SAGE Publications Inc. 2013.160 p. Pieejams elektroniski LLU EBSCOhost datubāzē:
3. Kultūras sektora ekonomiskā nozīme un ietekme Latvijā. Rīga.2007.Pieejams:
4. Rifkins Dž. Jaunās ekonomikas laikmets. Rīga: Jumava. 2004. 279 lpp.
1. International Journal of Cultural Studies. Pieejams:
2. Kultūras un patstāvīgas domas interneta žurnāls “Satori”. Pieejams:
Elective study course for academic bachelor’s study programme „Sociology of Organizations and Public Administration”