Course code PolZ5008
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation22.01.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Social Sciences and Humanities
Mg. paed.
PolZ6005, Policy Analysis
The aim of the study course is to acquaint master students with in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and institutional framework of the European Union (EU) funds, to describe the EU regional and cohesion policy, its goals and tasks, development periods. Students will learn the principles and legal framework of EU fund management. In the lectures, students are introduced to the process of planning, implementation and monitoring of EU funds in Latvia. In practical classes, students acquire skills to evaluate EU funds as instruments of sectoral policy and to understand the institutionalization of the acquisition of EU funds in Latvia.
Knowledge. Knows and understands the theoretical framework of EU regional policy cohesion, the principles of EU fund management and the legal framework (test).
Skills. Able to independently navigate the framework of national and EU funds, understands the institutionalization of EU fund absorption (independent work).
Competence. Ability to identify and define the suitability of the appropriate EU fund in projects, ability to analyse the organization of funds and project processes (formal test).
1. European Union policy, boundaries of competences. (2 hours)
2. EU multiannual financial framework and its impact on EU funds. (1 hour)
3. The essence and historical development of EU Regional Policy. (1 hour)
4. EU Cohesion Policy objectives and tasks. (1 hour)
5. Institutional framework for the implementation of EU structural funds in Latvia. (1 hour)
6. European Regional Development Fund and its operational programmes. (1 hour)
7. Objectives and tasks of the European Social Fund. (1 hour)
8. European territorial cooperation. (1 hour)
9. EU Education, civic participation and culture programmes. (1 hour)
10. Future challenges of EU policy and fund development. (2 hours)
Topics and content of practical work and seminars (12 hours):
1. EU multiannual financial framework and its impact on EU funds. (2 hours)
2. The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on EU Cohesion Policy. (1 hour)
3. EU programmes and funds, priority areas, nature and types. (1 hour)
4. Planning, implementation and monitoring of EU funds in Latvia. (2 hours)
5. Evaluation of EU funds, its importance. (1 hour)
6. EU fund planning periods, their characteristics. (2 hours)
7. EU fund administration system and digitalization (1 hour)
8. Evaluation of EU funds and communication management in projects (2 hours)
Part-time distance learning:
All topics specified for full-time studies are covered, but the number of contact hours is reduced to half of the number specified for full-time studies.
Formal test. The final assessment is cumulative on the following topics and tasks: 1) knows and understands the theoretical framework of EU regional policy cohesion, the principles of EU fund management and the legal framework (test – 30%). 2) ability to independently navigate the framework of national and EU funds, understands the institutionalization of EU fund acquisition (independent work – 30%). 3) ability to identify and define the suitability of the appropriate EU fund in projects, is able to analyze the organization of funds and project processes (formal test – 40%).
Study process in part-time distance learning is organized in accordance with the Order of the Vice-Rector of Studies No. 2.4.-5/59 On distance learning procedures at LBTU. Study courses are scheduled for each semester according to the study plan. The students learn the topics included in the study course independently, using the materials created and placed by the lecturer in the e-studies (Moodle). Feedback on the learning of lecture and seminar topics in distance learning is organised in the form of self-assessment tests, discussion forums and independent work, as well as in face-to-face or online consultations, lectures and final examinations according to the timetable.
Completed independent and practical work, conducted independent research and passed the formal test.
Students must prepare for the test (30%), successfully complete the independent work (30%), and ability to identify and define the suitability of the appropriate EU fund in projects, is able to analyze the organization of funds and project processes (formal test – 40%).
1. Bachtler J., Berkowitz P., Hardy S., Muravska T. EU Cohesion Policy: Reassessing Performance and Direction. Regions and Cities, 2017. Pieejams LBTU EBSCOhost datu bāzē:
2. Brandsma G.J. Handbook on European Union Public Administration. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2024. 386 p. ISBN: 978-1-80220-900-6
3. Henriques C., Viseu C. EU Cohesion Policy Implementation - Evaluation Challenges and Opportunities: The 1st International Conference on Evaluating Challenges in the Implementation of EU Cohesion Policy (EvEUCoP 2022). Springer Proceedings in Political Science and International Relations, 2023. Pieejams LBTU EBSCOhost datu bāzē:
4. Vaidere I u.c. (2008) Reģionālā politika un pašvaldību attīstība Eiropas Savienībā. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 296 lpp.
1. Borchardt K.D. The ABC of European Union law. European Commission. Luxembourg: Publications Office. 2018, p.140 p. Pieejams: file:///C:/Users/sony/Downloads/NA0716024ENN.en%20(1).pdf
2. Ozoliņa Ž., Šteinbuka I., Pētījums “Latvija Eiropas Savienībā – 20 gadi”, Pieejams:
3. Ševe C., Buka A., Gailītis K. (2014) Eiropas Savienības tiesības. Institucionālās tiesības. I un II daļa. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra.
1. Ž.Ozoliņa zin. red. Latvijas Politologu biedrība. Periodika: Latvijas intereses Eiropas Savienībā. Rīga. Pieejams:
2. LR Finanšu ministrija
3. Eiropas Komisija. Reģionu politikas ģenerāldirektorāts.
4. LR Valsts reģionālās attīstības aģentūra
5. Latvijas Nacionālā projektu vadīšanas asociācija (LNPVA
Elective study course in the ESAF academic master study programme “Sociology of Organizations and Public Administration”