Код курса PedaP117

Кредитные пункты 15

Общее количество часов405

Количество часов самостоятельной работы студента405

Дата утвеждения курса22.11.2016

Разработчик курса


Vija Dišlere

Предварительные знания








Учебная литературa

1. International Handbook of Career Guidance. J.A.Athanasou, R.Esbroeck (Eds.).N.Y.: Springer Science +Bussines Media B.V., 2008. 741 p. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6229-2; e-ISBN: 978-1-4020-6230-8;
2. NICE Handbook for the Academic Training of Career Guidance and Counselling Professionals. C.Schiersmann, B.-J.Ertelt, J.Katsarov, R.Mulvey, H.Reid, P. Weber(Eds.). Heidelberg: Heidelberg University, 2012. 127 p. ISBN 978-3-944230-03-0. Available: http://www.nice-network.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/NICE_Handbook_full_version_online.pdf
3. Savickas M. (2011). Career Counseling. Washington: American Psychological Association.
4. Sharf R.S. Applying career development. Theory to Counselling. Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006. 468 p. ISBN: 0-534-27245-21.
5. Swanson J.L., Found N.A. Career Theory and Practice. Learning Through Case Studies. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4522-5669-6

Дополнительная литература

1. Professionalizing Career Guidance. Practitioner Competences and Qualification Routes in Europe. (2009). CEDEFOP. Luxembourg: CEDEFOP, 116 p. Available: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/files/5193_en.pdf
2. Counselling Dictionary. Available: http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/career.html
3. Introduction to Guidance and Counselling. Windows on Practice Guide. B.Ed. (Hons) Elementary. (2012). USA: Columbia University, 80 p. Available: http://hec.gov.pk/english/services/universities/RevisedCurricula/Documents/2011-2012/Education/GuidanceCounseling_Sept13.pdf
4. Vintere A. (Red.) (2016). Vadlīnijas karjeras konsultācijās un profesionālajā orientācijā. Jelgava: Izglītības inovāciju pārneses centrs, 85 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-8495-1-0

Периодика и другие источники информации

1. Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development. Florida State university. The Career Center. Retrieved: https://education.fsu.edu/research/research-centers/cst
2. Karjera. NVA Pieejams: www.nva.lv
3. Karjeras atbalsts. VIAA. Pieejams: http://viaa.gov.lv/lat/karjeras_atbalsts_redir/karjeras_atbalsts/karjeras_atbalsts_jaunumi/
4. Karjeras attīstības rokasgrāmata konsultantiem, kas strādā ar jauniešiem ar īpašām vajadzībām. www.careercenteronline.org/manuals%5CManual_2lv.pdf
5. Karjeras centrs. http://www.karjerascentrs.lv/
6. Karjeras konsultēšanas metodes. (2009). VIAA. Pieejams: http://viaa.gov.lv/files/news/727/karjeras_kons_metodes.pdf
7. Karjeras konsultēšana. J.Priede. https://karjeraskonsultants.lv/aktualitates/
8. SocioDynamic Counselling. A Constructivist Perspective. http://www.sociodynamic-constructivist-counselling.com/