Course code PedaP117

Credit points 15


Total Hours in Course405

Independent study hours405

Date of course confirmation22.11.2016

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer

author Mehānikas un dizaina institūts

Vija Dišlere

Dr. paed.

Prior knowledge

Peda5025, Career Development Theories

Peda6022, Professional Ethics of Career Consellor

PedaP095, Investigation of Counselling Fields

PedaP101, Observation of Counselling

Psih5008, Communication Theories in Counselling

Psih6009, Human Life Cycles

Psih6011, Organizational Culture and Career

Course abstract

In the course of practice the students take a career counsellor’s responsibilities within the practice mission, to get acquainted with networking among various institutions and organizations dealing with career counselling, to do practice in counselling for different age and education clients, testing a number of diagnostic techniques, to form the individual career development plans for clients, to help customers write a CV, cover letter, job advertisement, the students develop themselves professionally and to get ready for professional activities independently; they develop their research knowledge and skills as well.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: to explain customer growth factors and the individual dynamics of activities; to explain the networking in the various institutions and organizations dealing with career counselling – Practice report.

Skills to synthesize and to use the practical knowledge of all the above of study courses. Ability to organize and carry out counselling for various ages and educational people. Skills-to search, select and systematize information, to establish contact with the client, to inform, to persuade, to support client's wishes and needs, ability to use different diagnostic methods, to build a client's individual career development plans, to work with career tests – Assessment of the institution's practice manager.

Competence- able to analyze, synthesize and use knowledge and skills acquired in all previous study courses in new situations and in different ways, doing a career counsellor’s work. Able to do advice for different age and education customers, both individually and able to lead a group counselling, able to assess the client's situation; able to self-education and self-realization – Defending the practice report.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Students develop and improve their skills to work with different clients.
2. To try different diagnostic methods with different types of clients.
3. To test diagnostic methods with different types of clients.
4. Students develop and improve their skills to create individual career development plans for clients.
5. To lead individual consultations both together with the supervisor of practice and independently).
6. To create client’s individual career development plans together with the client.
7. The evaluations and conclusions of individual client career development plans have been created.
8. To help to write a CV for clients.
9. To help to write a letter of motivation for clients.
10. To help to write job advertisements for clients.
11. To conduct a job interview (as a role play) with a young person who is still studying or just a young person leaving school.
12. To conduct a job interview (role play) with a person who often changes jobs or unemployed.
13. To conduct group counselling in the presence of a practice supervisor.
14. To do the methodological work of the theme of the Master's thesis.
15. To prepare a practice review.
16. To present and defend the results of the practice tasks at the closing conference of the practice.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Oral examination.

The exam assignment consists of:
• submitted practice diary;
• submitted student's own methodological materials for the practice tasks (at least 5 diagnostic methods descriptions, 4 clients' individual career development programs along with the client's characteristics, while maintaining confidentiality, three CV, covering letter and announcement designs);
• the written assessment of the success form practice manager;
• presentation and defence of the practice report.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The tasks of the practice:
1. To get acquainted with the networking between different institutions and organizations dealing with career advice.
2. Practical test their ability to work with clients of different ages (preferably – teenager, adult, pensioner)
3. Try out at least 5 diagnostic methods with different types of customers.
4. To lead 4 tutorials (2 together with the practice manager and 2 independently) and to create 4 individual career development programs for customers and evaluate them and draw conclusions.
5. To help to write a CV for 3 clients, cover letter and announcement.
6. To lead 2 working interviews (role play) (preferably with a variety of clients, eg., the youngsters freshly graduated from college, the people who frequently change jobs). To analyze self-practical experience.
7. To lead one group tutorial with the supervisor present.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The practice report and the presentation will be estimated in the 10-ball system.
Student’s work evaluation criteria:
30% evaluation of the submitted documentation and guidance materials;
30% practice manager's assessment;
40% estimation of the result presentation and defence.

Compulsory reading

1. International Handbook of Career Guidance. J.A.Athanasou, R.Esbroeck (Eds.).N.Y.: Springer Science +Bussines Media B.V., 2008. 741 p. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6229-2; e-ISBN: 978-1-4020-6230-8;
2. NICE Handbook for the Academic Training of Career Guidance and Counselling Professionals. C.Schiersmann, B.-J.Ertelt, J.Katsarov, R.Mulvey, H.Reid, P. Weber(Eds.). Heidelberg: Heidelberg University, 2012. 127 p. ISBN 978-3-944230-03-0. Available:
3. Savickas M. (2011). Career Counseling. Washington: American Psychological Association.
4. Sharf R.S. Applying career development. Theory to Counselling. Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006. 468 p. ISBN: 0-534-27245-21.
5. Swanson J.L., Found N.A. Career Theory and Practice. Learning Through Case Studies. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4522-5669-6

Further reading

1. Professionalizing Career Guidance. Practitioner Competences and Qualification Routes in Europe. (2009). CEDEFOP. Luxembourg: CEDEFOP, 116 p. Available:
2. Counselling Dictionary. Available:
3. Introduction to Guidance and Counselling. Windows on Practice Guide. B.Ed. (Hons) Elementary. (2012). USA: Columbia University, 80 p. Available:
4. Vintere A. (Red.) (2016). Vadlīnijas karjeras konsultācijās un profesionālajā orientācijā. Jelgava: Izglītības inovāciju pārneses centrs, 85 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-8495-1-0

Periodicals and other sources

1. Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development. Florida State university. The Career Center. Retrieved:
2. Karjera. NVA Pieejams:
3. Karjeras atbalsts. VIAA. Pieejams:
4. Karjeras attīstības rokasgrāmata konsultantiem, kas strādā ar jauniešiem ar īpašām vajadzībām.
5. Karjeras centrs.
6. Karjeras konsultēšanas metodes. (2009). VIAA. Pieejams:
7. Karjeras konsultēšana. J.Priede.
8. SocioDynamic Counselling. A Constructivist Perspective.


Study course: Counselling