Course code PedaP109

Credit points 9

Training and Upbringing

Total Hours in Course243

Independent study hours243

Date of course confirmation20.04.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer


Inga Andersone-Penčuka

Mg. paed.

Course abstract

During pedagogical practice students as well to elaborate the methods of the factual basis of the organization, teaching methods and efficient work practices of different researches, differentiated learning issues, students' critical thinking, innovative teaching methods in vocational education approbation. In practice, students have to familiarize themselves with reference groups and educational duties, assess the vocational training process of theoretical and practical parts relate to the theory and practical operation of the sector, develop-hour compendium, prepared and conducted hours.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - to understand the pedagogical process, the school records, organization of lesson time and management, teacher - educator responsibilities, significance of demonstrations and handouts for vocational education - an independent work;
skills – ability to link the vocational training process of theoretical and practical part and the theory with practical operations of the sector. Efficiency skills to develop a summary planing for teaching lessons by preparing and conducting lessons using the visuals and handouts with appropriate educational teaching methods and preparation of lesson plans- an independent work;
competence - able to prepare educational material, conduct lessons in a professional position to address different audiences. Their are able present the information and to prepare visuals and handouts, to take a class teacher responsibilities, to develop positive communication and interaction with students, can reveal a link between career opportunities and the education or training program- an independent work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Individual work with practice supervisor - coordination of practice program and development of practice plan.
2 Characteristics of educational programs implemented in vocational education institution, environment.
3 Organization of the learning process. Linking the theoretical and practical parts of the learning process with the theory and practice in the field of activity.
4 Guidelines for the development of programs, plans, requirements for their creation in vocational education.
5 Developing hourly notes. Lessons for theoretical and practical lessons.
6 Teaching and teaching aids. Types and characteristics.
7 Teaching methods in the work of a vocational education teacher. Types of learning methods, prerequisites for use and choice.
8 Evaluation. Types of assessment and methodological techniques.
9 Modern technologies in education. Technologies as an influencing factor in increasing productive capacity.
10 Open Hour. Work organization in open class.
11 Aims and objectives of the lesson, pedagogical justification of the course of the lesson, types of teaching methods and methods.
12 Open hours analysis - Interaction process for teacher and supervisor.
13 Tasks and Duties of the Teacher of a Vocational Educational Institution Group.
14 Improving pupils' value education, raising awareness of career planning and growth opportunities.
15 Assessment of Teacher Education in Vocational Education.

Requirements for awarding credit points

According to the tripartite internship agreement, a traineeship agreement, a practice contract and a testimony from the practice site were submitted. In the indicated time, according to the requirements and tasks, the practice report was submitted, the presentation was prepared.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students know the requirements and tasks of the practice to be able to practice independently and write a practice report.
Individual consultations are available for students, incl. online advice.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

In accordance with the tripartite internship agreement, a traineeship agreement, a practice agreement and a feedback from the practice place were submitted by the deadline. Practice report submitted in accordance with practice requirements and tasks. Practice report prepared and presented to peers.

Compulsory reading

1. Beļickis I. Vērtīborientētā mācību stunda. Rīga: RaKa, 2000. 280 lpp. 2. Duvekot R., Pukelis K. red. Iepriekšējā pieredzē gūto zināšanu un prasmju novērtēšana profesionālās izglītības skolotāju izglītībā.(TIMA-Balt). Nr.LLP-LDV-TOI-LT-0004, 2010. 47 lpp. 3. Ķirse A., Soika I. Audzēkņu motivēšana karjeras attīstībai lauku profesionālās izglītības iestādēs. The Journal of Science Education, Vol.7, Special Issue Proceedings of the International Conference „Rural Enviroment. Education. Personality. ”REEP 2006, Jelgava 4. Laužacks R. Profesionālās izglītības satura reforma: didaktiskās iezīmes. Rīga: Raka, 1999. 107 lpp. 5. Metodiskie ieteikumi modulāro profesionālās izglītības programmu izstrādei. Rīga: VIAA, 2015. 44 lpp.

Further reading

1. Mehānisms sociālo partneru iesaistei profesionālās izglītības kvalitātes paaugstināšanai [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.11.2018.]. Pieejams: 2. Sociālo partneru līdzdalība profesionālās izglītības kvalitātes nodrošināšanā un paaugstināšanā [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 27.11.2018.]. Pieejams: 3. Profesijas standarts [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.11.2018.]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. Profesionālā izglītība Latvijā [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 20.12.2018. Pieejams: 2. Profesiju standarti un profesionālās kvalifikācijas prasības [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 27.11.2018. Pieejams: 3. Tuvinās izglītības un darba vidi [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 20.11.2018. Pieejams:


Compulsory study course in the 1st level professional higher education program "Teacher of Vocational education".