Course code PedaP108

Credit points 9

Teacher's Work

Total Hours in Course243

Independent study hours243

Date of course confirmation20.04.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer


Inga Andersone-Penčuka

Mg. paed.

Course abstract

During the training time the students demonstrate a comprehensive and specialized skills related to professional field of the relevant facts and regularities in the theory and technology knowledge. Students independently are elaborating the lesson notes by choosing a creative learning techniques with a corresponding field of study. Students during their training experience have to create portfolio with their reflection of knowledge, skills gained assessment and training. Based on the analytical approach, define, describe, analyze and to extract information that describes the theoretical and practical problem-solving opportunities for the profession. During the placement students continue to develop skilled research and methodological part.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

•knowledge –to understand the pedagogical organizational process, the school records, organization of lesson time and management, individual development - an independent work;
•skills - during the training time the students are able to demonstrate a comprehensive and specialized skills related to professional field of the relevant facts and regularities in the theoretical and technological knowledge, they have ability to use innovative teaching methods in vocational education, well known how to address different audiences as as well the proficiency how to evaluate individual lifelong development - an independent work;
•competence - they have ability independently to prepare and conduct lessons in a professional level, able to address different audiences, able to create positive communication and cooperation. They are able to uncover the relationship between students' career opportunities and their professional development possibilities by using tools of education or training programs for selected sectors, individual lifelong development - an independent work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Individual work with practice supervisor - coordination of practice program and development of practice plan.
2 Teacher's work, versatile work functions.
3 Teacher's openness to lifelong learning, facilitating the learner's readiness for life.
4 Work-based education, its aspects in vocational education.
5 Influence of societal changing needs, changes and challenges on teachers' existing knowledge, skills and competences.
6 Portfolio. Portfolio reflecting personal knowledge, skills, education and work experience.
7 Portfolio method for planning and evaluating personal learning progress and growth throughout life.
8 Portfolio Structure. Link between the structure and the competences of the VET teacher.
9 Organization and management of the learning process.
10 Personalized training programs, lesson plans, lectures in the course / subject, tests.
11 Characteristics of the developed teaching aids and visual materials.
12 Characteristics of the set of training tasks created.
13 Characteristics of learning achievements of students.
14 Further education courses in professional, individual and social competence development.
15 Assessment of personal pedagogical activity, readiness for lifelong learning.

Requirements for awarding credit points

According to the tripartite internship agreement, a traineeship agreement, a practice contract and a testimony from the practice site were submitted. In the indicated time, according to the requirements and tasks, the practice report was submitted, the presentation was prepared.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students know the requirements and tasks of the practice to be able to practice independently and write a practice report.
Individual consultations are available for students, incl. online advice.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

In accordance with the tripartite internship agreement, a traineeship agreement, a practice agreement and a feedback from the practice place were submitted by the deadline. Practice report submitted in accordance with practice requirements and tasks. Practice report prepared and presented to peers.

Compulsory reading

1. Beļickis I. Vērtīborientētā mācību stunda. Rīga: RaKa, 2000. 280 lpp. 2. Duvekot R., Pukelis K. red. Iepriekšējā pieredzē gūto zināšanu un prasmju novērtēšana profesionālās izglītības skolotāju izglītībā.(TIMA-Balt). Nr.LLP-LDV-TOI-LT-0004, 2010. 47 lpp. 3. Ķirse A., Soika I. Audzēkņu motivēšana karjeras attīstībai lauku profesionālās izglītības iestādēs. The Journal of Science Education, Vol.7, Special Issue Proceedings of the International Conference „Rural Enviroment. Education. Personality. ”REEP 2006, Jelgava 4. Laužacks R. Profesionālās izglītības satura reforma: didaktiskās iezīmes. Rīga: Raka, 1999. 107 lpp. 5. Metodiskie ieteikumi modulāro profesionālās izglītības programmu izstrādei. Rīga: VIAA, 2015. 44 lpp.

Further reading

1. Mehānisms sociālo partneru iesaistei profesionālās izglītības kvalitātes paaugstināšanai [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.11.2018.]. Pieejams: 2. Sociālo partneru līdzdalība profesionālās izglītības kvalitātes nodrošināšanā un paaugstināšanā [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 27.11.2018.]. Pieejams: 3. Profesijas standarts [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.11.2018.]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. Profesionālā izglītība Latvijā [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 20.12.2018. Pieejams: 2. Profesiju standarti un profesionālās kvalifikācijas prasības [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 27.11.2018. Pieejams: 3. Tuvinās izglītības un darba vidi [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 20.11.2018. Pieejams:


Compulsory study course in the 1st level professional higher education program "Teacher of Vocational education".