Course code PedaP064

Credit points 12

Pedagogue at Environment of School I

Total Hours in Course324

Independent study hours324

Date of course confirmation20.05.2014

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer


Irēna Katane

Dr. paed.

Course abstract

During the pedagogical practice students have to use theoretical knowledge in pedagogical activity, including planning, organizing, control and evaluation of teaching/learning process in study subjects "Home Economics and Technologies" and "Informatics/Visual Art", in upbringing process. Students have: 1) to know basis school as educational environment, including the specificity of pedagogical culture and traditions at school; 2) to develop and improve pedagogical competences in the spheres of teaching/learning methodology, up-bringing and education management; 3) to do scientific research.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge - students know and understand educator methodological, up-bringing, education management and research functions in school environment.
• Skills - can apply theoretical knowledge in pedagogical practice; can plan, manage, analyse and evaluate own professional activities at school and critical take another teachers experience; can research teaching/learning, up-bringing and educational process at school.
• Competence - students are able to independently and responsibly carry out pedagogical activities in the school environment and self-direct their professional development.

Compulsory reading

1. Čehlovs M., Čehlova Z. Skolotāja pedagoģiskās kompetences teorētiskie pamati. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2009. Pedagoģija un skolotāju izglītība: LU raksti, 747.sējums, 57 – 63 lpp. Pieejams:
2. Gudjons H. Pedagoģijas pamatatziņas [2. izd.]. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 394 lpp.
3. Katane I. (red.). Palīgs jaunajam skolotājam. 1.daļa. Jelgava: LLU TF IMI, 2006. 248 lpp.
4. Šmite A. Izglītības iestādes vadība. I daļa. Pedagogs. Organizācija. Pārmaiņas. Rīga: RaKa, 2004. 256 lpp.

Further reading

1. Andersone R. Izglītības un mācību priekšmetu programmas. Rīga: Raka, 2007. 202 lpp.
2. Bikše K. Lūdzu, skolotāj ...1. un 2. daļa. Rīga: Kvalitātes vadība: Skola un ģimene, 2008.
3. Fullan M. Change theory: A force for school improvement. [tiešsaiste]. Copyright Centre for Strategic Education, Victoria, 2006. 14 p. [skatīts 23.05.2014.]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. LLU TF IMI starptautisko zinātnisko konferenču krājumi "Rural Environment. Education. Personality" [„Lauku vide. Izglītība. Personība"] rakstu krājumi. ISSN 2255-808X Pieejams elektroniskā formātā:
7(2014) :
6(2013) :
2. Journal of Educational Psychology. [tiešsaiste]. Online ISSN: 1939-2176. [skatīts 17.12.2013.]. Pieejams:
3. Journal of Education for Teaching. [tiešsaiste]. Published by Taylor and Francis Group. Online ISSN: 1360-0540. [skatīts 17.12.2013]. Pieejams: