Course code Peda6062

Credit points 3

Mediation process in education and employment II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation21.11.2018

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Prior knowledge

Peda5037, Mediation Process in Education and Employment I

Course abstract

Within the framework of this course, the correlation of the mediator as a person with the personality of the educator and career counselor is acquired, expanded and evaluated.Students acquire knowledge, skills and competence for informed communication by identifying the undeveloped space / territory.Practical work improves students' emotional intelligence, develops social competence, improves verbal and non-verbal communication in general, the ability to analyze and manage disagreements.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge of the basic concepts of communication, emotionally intelligent, client-centered communication; the meaning of verbal and non-verbalinterpretation of communication in the context of mediation and common competences;
Skills to use knowledge according to professional competence; create dialogue; to analyze situations, to defend and to substantiate their opinion in professional relations; analyze conflict situations, apply communicative skills and basic knowledge in educational institutions, the State Employment Agency, consulting offices, local governments and social assistance institutions; analyze and evaluate communication barriers, biological, cultural and emotional intelligence aspects of communication;
competence to use knowledge and skills in leading work in educational institutions, adult education, career and consulting centers, public administration institutions; competent to solve problems of science and practice in the field of education; able to work with pupils and colleagues in different environments.
Valuation: Graded test; 1st and 2nd independent work

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Mediator's role, qualities, responsibilities, accountability for managing the process (3h)
2. Dialogue and communication. Negotiating. Deliberate and dignified communication (6h)
3. Making out undeveloped territory while understanding listening positions and levels (2h)
4. Differences in the ways of mediation management (2h)
5. Personal mediator style and organization of practice (3h)
6. Mediator effectiveness –Personal experience, self-examinationand awareness (2h)
7. Emotional intelligence. Emotional mediation (3h)
First independent work.
8. Median needs and interests. Seeing the differences (3h)
9. Family and school – system within a system (3h)
10. Mediator Ethics Code (1h)
Second independent work.
11. Mediator Certification Requirements in Latvia (2h)
12. Mediator continuing education (2h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

75% attendance at lectures, both tasks of independent work are developed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

First independent work: Dialogue and communication. Negotiating. Making out undeveloped territory while understanding listening positions and levels.
Second independent work: Median needs and interests. Seeing the differences.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The developed independent works conform to the requirements of study course in Mediator personality and communication skills.

Compulsory reading

1. Leiendekers A. Konfliktuvadība. Miervidi: Jumava, 2016. 199 lpp. 2. Trosens A., Hofmans R., Rotfišere D. B. Mediācija. Mediācijas pamati teorijā un praksē. Rīga: Tiesunamuaģentūra, 2007. 183 lpp. 3. Frīls D., Frīla L. Pieaugušie bērni. Disfunkcionālu ģimeņu noslēpumi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABS, 2016. 199 lpp. 4. Hejlskovs-Elvēns B. Bezkliedzieniem, kodieniem, sitieniem. Rīga: SIA Jelgavas tipogrāfija, 2017. 214 lpp. 5. Goulmens D. Tava emocionālā inteliģence. Rīga: Jumava, 2001. 462 lpp. . 6. Sarunu un konfliktu risināšana. Harvard Business Review. Rīga: SIA “Lietišķās informācijas dienests”, 2007. 184 lpp. 7. Efektīva komunikācija. Harvard Business Review. Rīga: SIA “Lietišķās informācijas dienests”, 2006. 160 lpp. 8. Шармер О. Теория "У-оброзного движения – руководство из будущего, каким он кажется". Cambridge, MA: Society for Organizacional Learning, 2007. 22 c. 9. Сталбергб Д., Лав Л. Третий голос. ООО Межрегиональный центр управленческого и политического консультирования, 2014. 220 c. 10. Стрессерб Ф., Рэндолф П. Медиация: психологический взгляд на разрешение конфликтов. ООО Межрегиональный центр управленческого и политического консультирования, 2015. 193 c. 11. Шамликашвили Ц.А., Никитина Е.С. Введение в диалогику. ООО Межрегиональный центр управленческого и политического консультирования, 2011. 240 c. 12. Изард К.Э. Психология эмоций. Москва: Питер, 2012. 459 c. Cерия «Мастера психологии. 13. Вернс Д.Д. Ругаться нельзя мириться. Москва: ЭКСМО, 2011. 285 c. 14. Леви В. Искуство быть другим. Общение, понимание. Москва: Книжный клуб, 2013. 381 c. 15. Сатир В. Психотерапия семьи. Санкт-Петербург: Речь, 2000 16. Сатир В. Психотерапия семьи. Санкт-Петербург: «Речь», 2000. 17. Беркли-Ален М. Забытое искусство слушать. Санкт-Перетбург, 1997. 258 c. Cерия Гений общения 18. Пель М. Приглашение к медиации. Практическое руководство о том, как эффективно предложить разрешение конфликта посредством медиации. ООО Межрегиональный центр управленческого и политического консультирования. 2009. 399 c.

Further reading

1. Mediācijas likums
2. Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likums
3. Valsts bērnu tiesību aizsardzības inspekcijas metodiskie ieteikumi par bērna labāko interešu izvērtēšanu un bērna viedokļa noskaidrošanu. Pieejams:
4. „Par koncepciju "Mediācijas ieviešana civiltiesisku strīdu risināšanā": 18.02.2009. Ministru kabineta rīkojums Nr. 121
5. Mediācija. Labas prakses rokasgrāmata saskaņā ar 1980.gada 25.oktobra Hāgas konvenciju par starptautiskās bērnu nolaupīšanas civiltiesiskajiem aspektiem. Pieejams:
6. “Mediatorusertifikācijas un atestācijaskārtība”: Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.433 Rīgā 2014.gada 5.augustā (prot. Nr.42 10.§) . Pieejams:
7. Civilprocesa likums,
8. Civillikums,