Course code Peda2004

Credit points 4.50

General Pedagogy and History

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation17.02.2015

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer


Irēna Katane

Dr. paed.

Course abstract

In the study course of general pedagogy and history students learn creatively nature of the pedagogical process, the development of pedagogical thought in different stages of history. Find out pedagogy, incl. school pedagogy, links with other sciences. Students analyze the upbringing and teaching/learning process in school based on theories, understand the principles, methods and organizational forms of the pedagogical process. Understands and analyzes: the lifelong learning/education and lifewide learning/education conceptions, incl. adult education; media pedagogy, the modern trends in education in the context of world, European and Latvian etc.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: students know the stages of pedagogy's development history, incl. famous educators in the world and in Latvia; ideas of reformedagogy and alternative pedagogy; the content and theoretical basis of the upbringing and teaching process; the goals, tasks and basic functions of the school as an educational institution, the importance of school and family co-operation; the personality direction and the theoretical basis of self-conception; the use of information technologies in education.
Oral part of the exam: statement of the exam matter.
Skills and competences: students are able to analyze and evaluate the topical issues of contemporary education by choosing the themes of theoretical research. Students are able to independently and deep study a chosen theme, develop a scientifically substantiated article work, be able to prepare presentations on exam questions.
Written part of the examination: a worked out report and its presentation.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The essence of humane pedagogy, main ideas and cognitions. Humanistic Approach in Humane Pedagogy.
2. Five basic principles of human pedagogy. Respect for peculiarity of pupils' age, interests, needs and abilities.
3. The historical development of pedagogical thoughts and educational ideas, world-famous pedagogues and their contribution to pedagogy.
4. Reformpedagogy and alternative pedagogy concepts and their representatives.
5. Development of Pedagogical ideas in Latvia. Founders and developers of the Latvian national pedagogical thought.
6. Up-bringing as a science and art, its essence. Famous educators in the world and Latvia on upbringing.
7. Personality and factors influencing its development. Self-conception of personality , self-esteem and self-evaluation. Personality direction: motives, goals of life, needs, interests, values and attitudes.
8. Lifelong and lifewide learning/education and adult education ideas in the past and nowadays.
9. Teaching/learning process as an interactive system, its main components and functions. Educational content and study subject content. The regularities and basic principles of the study process. Outstanding Teachers' Learning Outcomes.
10. Self-directed learning, problem-based learning, work-place based learning, transformational learning.
11. Forms and methods of modern teaching/learning process organizational forms.
12. Theoretical bases of vocational/professional education, continuing and further education, education for professional development/improvement.
13. Specialist professional competence.
14. Promotion of the specialist's competitiveness development in the learning and professional activities environment.
15. Teacher's professional activity, teacher roles and functions. Teacher's professional development. Teachers' professional competence.
16. Lifelong professional development of the teacher to ensure the sustainability of education.
17. Modern Information and Communication Technologies in Education. Introduction in Media Pedagogy.
18. Career education and career development guidance at school.
19. Objectives, tasks and functions of the school as an educational institution. The role and types of school collaboration with the family. Sustainable development of school.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully fulfilled the requirements for independent work; the two parts of the examination were successfully passed: oral and written. Summarizing or cumulative assessment of the final exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students are informed timely about the exam questions, giving insight into themes and exam requirements. Individual consultations are available, incl. online counselling.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Respect of all the requirements of independent studies.
Competent presentation of a exam question.
Timely submission of the report for evaluation (1 week before the exam).
Preparation of the presentation of the report and public speech during the examination.

Compulsory reading

1. Albrehta Dz. Didaktika. Rīga: RaKa, 2001. 2. Anspaks J. Pedagoģijas idejas Latvijā. Rīga: RaKa, 2003. 476 lpp. 3. Baltušīte R. Pedagoģijas studentu gatavība pedagoģiskai darbībai skolā. Jelgava: LLU, 2012. 4. Beļickis I. Alternatīvās izglītības teorijas. Rīga: RaKa, 2001. 5. Burceva R., Davidova J., Kalniņa D., Lanka Ē, Mackēviča L. Novitātes pedagoģijā profesionālās izglītības skolotājiem. Rīga: LU, 2010. Pieejams 6. Cohen-Scali V, Rossier J., Nota L. (Eds.). New Perspectives in Career Counseling and Guidance in Europe. Cham (Switzerland): Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. 7. Jurgena I. Vispārīgā pedagoģija. Rīga: Izglītības soļi, 2002. 8. Katane I. Skola kultūrā un kultūra skolā. Jelgava: LLU TF IMI, 2006. 116 lpp. 9. Ķestere I. Pedagoģijas vēsture. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2005. 10. Lieģeniece D. Ievads andragoģijā. Rīga: RaKa, 2002. 11. Ozola I. Grāmata pašizaugsmei. Rīga: RaKa, 2018. 68 lpp. 12. Pāvulēns J., Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S. Konsultatīvais atbalsts skolēniem. Rīga: Raka, 2018. 80 lpp. 13. Purēns V. Kā attīstīt kompetenci. Rīga: Raka, 2018. 280 lpp. 14. Rubene Z., Krūmiņa A., Vanaga I. Ievads mediju pedagoģijā. Rīga: RAKA, 2008. 15. Rutka L. Pedagoga psiholoģiskā kompetence. Rīga: RaKa, 2012. 178 lpp. 16. Špona A. Audzināšanas process teorijā un praksē. Rīga: RaKa, 2006. 17. Vilkaste A. Skolas ilgtspējīgas attīstības plānošana. Rīga: RaKa, 2003. 18. Zelmenis V. Pedagoģijas pamati. Rīga: RaKa 2000. 19. Žogla I. Didaktikas teorētiskie pamati. Rīga: RaKa, 2001. 20. Žukovs L. Ievads pedagoģijā. Rīga: RaKa, 1997. 21. Žukovs L. Pedagoģijas vēsture. Rīga: RaKa, 2001.

Further reading

1. Čehlova Z. Izziņas aktivitāte mācībās. Rīga: RaKa, 2002. 2. Hahele R. Pašnovērtējums mācību procesā. Rīga: RaKa, 2006. 3. Katane I. Paradigmas Latvijas izglītības vidē mūsdienās. Jelgava: LLU TF IMI, 2007. 117 lpp. Monogrāfisko pētījumu sērija „Izglītības ekoloģija”. 4. Katane I. Pedagoģijas teorētiskie pamati. Rīga: BUTS, 2006. 5. Katane I., Kalniņa I. Skolēnu personības konkurētspējas attīstība neformālās komercizglītības vidē. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 331 lpp. 6. Katane I., Katans E., Lietapure S. Bērncentrētās izglītības vides multifunkcionalitāte audzināšanas kontekstā. No: "Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība", 2. krāj. Rēzekne: RTA, 2018, 212.-228. lpp. 7. Sēja T. Profesionālās izglītības attīstība Latvijas reģionos. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 8. Šmite A. Pedagoģisko darbinieku tālākizglītība Latvijā (1944-1990). Rīga: RaKa, 2018. 9. Vedins I. Mācīšanas māksla. Rīga: Avots, 2011. 10. Ильин Е.П. Психология общения и межличностных отношений. Москва: Питер, 2009.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Journal of Science Education. ISSN 0124 – 5481 2. Pedagogy and Teachers’ Education. University of Latvia. ISSN 1407- 2157. 3. Laikraksts Izglītība un kultūra. Rīga, IZM, ISSN 1407-4036.


Compulsory study course in the 1st level professional higher education program "Teacher of Vocational Education".