Course code MatZ2039

Credit points 6

Weaving Technology and Design

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for laboratory classes48

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation13.12.2016

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer


Ligita Ozolniece

Mg. paed.

Prior knowledge

InfT1036, IT in Design I

MākZ1003, Ethnography

MākZ1004, Composition and Colour Studies I

MākZ2016, Composition and Colour Studies II

MatZ1006, Material Science (Textile)

Replaced course

MatZB004 [GMTRB004] Weaving Technology and Design

Course abstract

Students get knowledge and skills of weaving, understand availability and usage of materials for different works (including recycling) to create new technological solutions in creating innovative products in the study course. Themes included in the programme an linked to: forms of weaving devices, its structure and usage; to different kind of woven belts, shuttle, rug and tapestry weaving technologies as choice and preaparation of weaving material, calculations, preparatory works till production and after-treatment of finished product.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge: to explain: the structure and versatility of weaving technology and design industry; choice of necessary tools and weaving devices for concrete work- 1 test work; technological methods and process of weaving - 2., 3., 4.test works; practical solutions of design in creation of modern, new products by choosing suitable multiform materials and potentialities of weaving technologies.
Skills: to analyze, to evaluate and to be able to use tools, devices and technological methods for work; to have a good knowledge of technological process of weaving; to make sketches and technological drawing of product; to weave products in different techniques; to have a good knowledge of materials used in weaving and to be able to choose best of them for concrete product, to calculate amount of them and expenses; to plan process of work, to discover new technolgical solutions to create inovative products. Laboratory works, project work.
Competence: ability to identify, to know and to choose weaving technologies, used materials, to analyze tendences of it’s development and improvement, to be able to use it in work to solve different problems by needs of the client; ability to think creatively and to create independently a long-term product.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time intramural studies:
I part. Shuttle weaving techniques (11 h)
• Weaving devices and their types. Test 1: weaving devices, the principle of their operation.
• Weaving materials. Natural textile fibres. Chemical textile fibres. Recycling materials in weaving.
• Weaving – preparatory work. Weaving process. Troubleshooting correction.
• Fabric weaves. Test 2: fabric weaves.
• Plain fabrics. Basic fabrics.
• Derived fabrics.
• Coalesced weaves.
• Composed fabrics – Tick fabrics.
• Fabric project. Reed selection. The edge of the fabric. Pattern of fabric. Calculations. Test 3: Shuttle techniques and calculations.
•Training excursion (Textile company; exhibition visit, etc.).
II. Part. Belt techniques (3 h)
• Woven (braided) belts. Tools, materials, composition options and technological techniques.
• Backstrap weaving “audenes”. Tools, materials, composition, calculation, sorting and weaving of warp and weft. Techniques. Creating edges. End of the belts. After-treatment, storage of belts.
• Card weaving “celaines”. Tools, materials, warp and weft calculation, composition, preparation and weaving. Techniques. Test 4: Wheel machines.
III. Part. Carpeting and tapestry techniques (2 h).
• Tools, materials, composition and work sketch.
• Warp pulling and weaving in a frame or on the base of the cardboard. Techniques. Post-processing, storage.
List of Laboratory Works: (48 hours)
I. Shuttle techniques (26 h).
• Sketches in basic fabrics techniques. The weaving process uses the diversity of weft material by weaving each technique (10h).
• Sketches in derived fabric Techniques (optional 2 techniques) using a variety of weft materials (8h).
• Sketches in composed fabric techniques (optional 1 technique) using a variety of weft material (8h).
Part II. Belt Techniques (8h):
• Braid technique - 2 techniques (optional). In each technique, make 2 variants for each variant using different material (2h).
• Backstrap weaving techniques - long-striped, cross-striped, floral, patterned and Auley weave (4h).
• Card weaving techniques - long-stripped and patterned (2h).
Part III. Carpet and tapestry techniques (4 h).
• A pattern should be weaved in carpet and tapestry techniques, including optional 3-4 techniques.
Part IV. Project development (10 h).
• Develop a viable concept for a new product by integrating a pre-fabricated product. Students master the weaving skills in the basics of technology that help them understand the nature of the material, the use of techniques, and the requirement to create a personalized woven product. The task of the project is to identify the possibilities of weaving technology and create a new interior object or fashion item using the newly created element. Students conduct analytical market offerings research, identify desired target audience and develop multiple design solutions, one design concept being developed. The created concept is implemented in three dimensional products and presented.

Part time extramural studies:

All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar

Requirements for awarding credit points

• 85% participation in lectures and laboratory works.
• Developed and defended laboratory work.
• Successfully written tests.
• Project development.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

• Work with literature and online sources. Work in a class individually and in groups. Development and defence of laboratory works. Project development.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

• The evaluation should be carried out throughout the whole course. Tests shall be evaluated according to the criteria developed by the study rules - qualitative assessment in the 10-point system.
The evaluation of laboratory works shall be based on the qualitative assessment of the 10-point system derived from the total score for the individual rating positions:
• systematic work (max 2.5): realizing the original idea (0-0.5), timeliness, including attending classes (0-2.0);
• technical quality of work (max 4): completion of the laboratory working sheet (0-1), patterns (0-3);
• colour matching (0-0.5),
• choice of materials, diversity (0-1);
• composition (max 1): patterns (0-1);
• Originality (0-1).
Assessment of project development: The overall assessment consists of the sum of the markings posted on the design concept and final product divided by two.
At the end of the course, the final assessment shall be calculated on the basis of the weighted average mark.

Compulsory reading

1. Karlsone A. Rakstainās jostas: kopīgais kultūrslānis. Rīga: Latvijas Nacionālais kultūras centrs, 2015. 128 lpp.
2. Apine-Hermane A. Aušanas tehnikas Latvijā. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2020. 160 lpp.
3. Balgalve-Treimane L. Celaines. Celu jostu un apaudu aušana. Rīga: Senā klēts, 2018. 244 lpp.
4. Ozolniece L. Paklāju un gobelēnu tehnikas. Rīga: RaKa, 2009. 104 lpp.
5. Šterna M. Aušana. Rīga: Praktiskā Grāmata, 2004. 246 lpp.
6. Mājturība. Tekstils. Kompozīcija. B.Vaivare, M.Urdziņa u. c. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1998. 110 lpp.
7. Soroka J. Tapestry Weaving: Design and Technique. Ramsbury, United Kingdom, 2012. 192 p.

Further reading

1. Jansone A. Somu audēju grāmata. Rīga: Latvijas Etnogrāfiskais brīvdabas muzejs, 2019.
2. Skujiņa E. Audumi. Rīga: Em. Melngaiļa Taitas mākslas nams, 1970. [Tiešsaiste].[Skatīts 09.09.2020.]. Pieejams
3. Nadziņa V. Jostas un prievītes. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2012. 32 lpp.
4. Kulakova M. Prievīšu un jostu aušana. Lielvārde: Apgāds Lielvārds, 1994. 71 lpp.
5. Strutt L. Modern Weaving. London, United Kingdom, 2016. 128 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls "Praktiskie Rokdarbi". Rīga, Lauku Avīze.
2. Žurnāls "Deko". Rīga, Žurnāls Santa. ISSN 1407-7027.
3. LNB Digitālā bibliotēka. Pieejams:
4. Дворкина И. Гобелен за десять вечеров.[Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 09.09.2020.]. Pieejams:


Compulsory course in TF Professional Higher Education Bachelor's Study Program "Design and Crafts" for full-time and part-time studies.