Code du cours MežZ2041

Crédits 1.50

La quantité totale d'heures en classe40

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant40

Date de l'approbation du cours21.04.2021

Auteur du cours


Līga Liepa


- Bels S. Nikodemus O. Rokasgrāmata meža ainavas plānošanai un dizainam. Rīga: Valsts Meža dienests, 2000. 76 lpp.
- Robinson N. The Planting Design Handbook. Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004 Ir LLU FB datubāzē eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Pieejams:
- Bell S., Apostol D. Designing sustainable Forest Landscapes. London; New York: Taylor & Francis, 2008.
- Melluma A., Lūkins M. Lauksaimniecības zemju apmežošana. Latvijas vides aizsardzības fonds, meža īpašnieku konsultatīvais centrs. 30 lpp.
- With, K.A., 2019. Essentials of Landscape Ecology. Oxford University Press.

Ouvrages supplémentaires

- Konijnendijk C., Nilsson K., Randrup T.B., Schipperijn J. 2005. Urban Forests and Trees. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Ellison, D., Morris, C.E., Locatelli, B., Sheil, D., Cohen, J., Murdiyarso, D., Gutierrez, V., Van Noordwijk, M., Creed, I.F., Pokorny, J. and Gaveau, D., 2017. Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world. Global Environmental Change, 43, pp.51-61.
- Gamfeldt, L., Snäll, T., Bagchi, R., Jonsson, M., Gustafsson, L., Kjellander, P., Ruiz-Jaen, M.C., Fröberg, M., Stendahl, J., Philipson, C.D. and Mikusiński, G., 2013. Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species. Nature communications, 4, p.1340.
- Perera, A.H., Buse, L.J., Crow, T., 2006. Forest Landscape Ecology; transferring knowledge to practice. Springer.