Code du cours Medi5013

Crédits 3

La quantité totale d'heures en classe81

Nombre de conferences12

Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires12

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant57

Date de l'approbation du cours12.01.2024

Connaissances de base





1. Zariņš, Z., Neimane, L., Bodnieks, E. (2018) Uztura mācība. 7. papild. izdevums, LU Akadēmiskais apgāds.
2. Molecular basis of nutrition and aging. (2016) Edit. M.Malavolta, E. Mocchegiani. Elsevier Academic Press.
3. Principles of geriatric medicine & gerontology (2003) 5th edit. Edit. W.R. Hazzard, J.P. Blass, J.B. Halter, J.G. Ouslander, M. E. Tinetti. McGraw-Hill Companies.

4. Merck Manual of Geriatrics. 3rd edit. Edit. R.Berkow, M.H.Beers. Merk.

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Zariņš, Z., Neimane, L. Bodnieks, E. (2015) Uztura mācība. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds.
2. Skutelis, A., Bārene, I. (2013) Zāļu un uztura mijiedarbība un blaknes. Medicīnas apgāds.
3. Handbook of Nutrition and Food (2013) Edited by C.D. Berdanier, J.T. Dwyer, D.Heber. Third edition. CRC Press.
4. Handbook of Obesity Treatment (2019). Second Edition. Edit. T.A. Wadden, G.A. Bray. Guilford Press.
5. Ziegler, E.E., Filer, L.J. (1996) Present knowledge in nutrition. ILSI Press.
6. Lutz, C., Przytulski, K.R. (1994) Nutrition and diet therapy.

7. Shils, M.E., Olson, J.A. (1994) Modern nutrition in health and disease. Lea & Febiger.

Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information

1. The British Journal of Nutrition
2. Food and Nutrition bulletin

3. European Journal of Nutrition