Course code Medi5002

Credit points 3

Nutrition Policy and Nutrition Science

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures12

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12

Independent study hours57

Date of course confirmation12.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about Latvian and European Union legislation regulating food and nutrition issues. To provide knowledge about nutrition science development in Latvia, Russia and Europe and to provide knowledge about public support for education and scientific issues related to nutrition.
Tasks of the course:
1) to introduce Latvian and EU legislation and regulatory hierarchy;
2) to raise awareness of government institution, local governments and non-governmental sector and their role in the availability of nutrition for the population of Latvia;
3) to provide insight into the Latvian participation in international organisations, including World Health Organisation, as well as the competent institution of views and recommendations of nutrition;
4) to provide information about possibilities of nutrition education in Latvia and other European Union member states, as well as a nutritional expert work and further education opportunities;
5) to increase knowledge about nutrition-science development, including Russia and European Union;

6) to identify key development stages of the Latvian nutrition science, including major surveys of nutrition, institutions and persons involved.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1) to consolidate their knowledge of legislation in the area of nutrition;
2) to expand the knowledge of the Latvian policy planning process, national governmental and non-governmental organizations in the planning process;
3) to obtain theoretical knowledge of legislation relating to food products and their use, as well as recent legal provisions in the European Union and Latvia;
4) to expand the knowledge of nutrition science history, role and future development opportunities.
5) students are able to assess compliance of food products with food laws and regulations and the healthy nutrition recommendations;
6) students are able to advise food producers about the necessary requirements for food products, including food for specific consumer groups;
7) students are able to handle the regulatory and legislative databases on the Internet, to find the necessary information in databases on food products and their components.

8) students are able to assess the nutrition science field research projects, have a good knowledge about the history and development opportunities of nutrition science.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Main legislation, which regulates nutrition in Latvia. L2 S2 W2
2. Public health indicators and criteria. Nutrition – the main risk factor, which affects public health. Food product labelling. L2
3. Nutrition science in Latvia and the European Union. L2
4. Latvian and European Union education system. Healthy food choice and communicative measures. L2 W4
5. Food safety, advertisement. Main responsible bodies for food safety control. Food labelling. L2 W4
6. Nutrition pyramid. Macro- and microelements. L2 S4
7. Carbohydrates, fibres, lipids and proteins. L2
8. Vitamins. Role of food in prevention of diseases. L2
Practical works
1st work. The development of infographic for understanding of nutrition recommendations.
2nd work. The development of healthy nutrition recommendations for different consumer groups.
1st seminar. The analysis of infographics.
2nd seminar. Food labelling analysis.

3rd seminar. The main principles for menu development.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Intermediate tests (written) are obligatory (50%), and exam (50%) at the end of the course.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students’ independent work is organized individually and /or in work groups.
Practical assignments:
1) development of infographic;

2) in-depth study of legislative acts and health programmes.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Awarding credits:
1) intermediate tests – 50%;

2) exam (written test) – 50%.

Compulsory reading

1. Latvijas ilgtspējīgas attīstības stratēģija “Latvija 2030”
2. Latvijas Nacionālais attīstības plāns 2014.-2020. gadam
3. Sabiedrības veselības pamatnostādnes 2014.-2020. gadam
4. Pārtikas aprites uzraudzības likums
5. Ministru kabineta 2012. gada 13. marta noteikumi Nr. 172 “Noteikumi par uztura normām izglītības iestāžu izglītojamiem, sociālas aprūpes un sociālās rehabilitācijas institūciju klientiem un ārstniecības iestāžu pacientiem”
6. Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 20. oktobra noteikumi Nr. 595 “Prasības informācijas sniegšanai par nefasētu pārtiku”
7. Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 3. marta noteikumi Nr. 115 “Prasības fasētas pārtikas marķējumam”
8. Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes 2006. gada 20. decembra Regula Nr. 1924/2006 par uzturvērtības un veselīguma norādēm
9. Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regula 1169/2011 par pārtikas produktu informācijas sniegšanu patērētājiem

10. Zariņš, Z., Neimane, L., Bodnieks, E. (2018) Uztura mācība. 7. izd. Rīga, LU Akadēmiskais apgāds.

Further reading

1. Eiropas rīcības plāns bērnu aptaukošanas mazināšanai 2014.-2020.
2. ES stratēģija “Eiropa 2020”
3. PVO stratēģija “Veselība 2020”
4. PVO Globālais rīcības plāns 2013.-2020. gadam neinfekcijas slimību profilaksei un kontrolei

5. PVO pamatnostādnes Eiropas reģionam “Veselība visiem 21. gadsimtā”

Periodicals and other sources
