Course code InfT6004

Credit points 30

Master Thesis

Total Hours in Course810

Independent study hours810

Date of course confirmation18.10.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science

Course developers

author Datoru sistēmu un datu zinātnes institūts

Rudīte Čevere

Dr. sc. comp.

author prof.

Irina Arhipova

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The goal of the Master's thesis is to systematize, strengthen and expand the master student’s theoretical knowledge and skills in the using of IT specific topics, to show the master student’s practical training level according to the requirements of engineering master's degree in IT field. The Master’s thesis is the research in the information technologies in which the student of master’s study programme has drawn independent scientific conclusions and presented the original creativity. The work as a whole is defended to the Master's Examination Commission.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

As a result of the course, Masters students:
• are able to show the depth or extends knowledge and understanding of the recent discoveries in IT research or professional field that provide the basis for creative thinking or research, including acting in the cross discipline fields – justification of the topic of the master's thesis;
• are able to independently use the theory, methods and problem-solving skills to carry out research activities or highly qualified professional functions. Is able to forcefully explain and discuss about the complex or systemic IT research or professional field aspects with specialists and nonprofessional. Are able to push their own skills development and specialization of personnel to assume responsibility for group performance and analysis of business innovation in the IT research or professional field, to work, research or further learning in complex and unpredictable circumstances and, if necessary, to modify, using the new approaches – Master's thesis description, thesispre- defense;
• are able to independently formulate and critically analyze IT complex scientific and professional problems – presentation of the master's thesis to the commission.

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Selection and approval of the topic of the master's thesis. (6 hours)
2 Development and submission of Master's thesis tasks. (8 hours)
3 Justification of the topicality of the topic of the master's thesis. Research object, aim and tasks of the master's thesis. (50 hours)
4 Recognition of the knowledge of previous scientific research and literature on the chosen topic (60 h)
5 Critical analysis of previous scientific studies and literature of the chosen topic. (40 hours)
6 Description of the problem raised in the master's thesis and the experience of solving it. (300 hours)
7 Development of the research part of the master's thesis. (60 hours)
8 Preparation of research theses for the scientific conference (20 h)
9 Development of the research part of the master's thesis. (100 hours)
10 Development of a demonstration example of the obtained results ( 40 h)
11 Conclusions and proposals of the master's thesis. (30 hours)
12 Preparation of a paper for the scientific conference of LBTU master's students. (40 hours)
13 Master's thesis pre-defense. (4 hours)
14 Implementation of recommendations for pre-defense of Master's thesis. (10 hours)
15 Error correction and editing. (20 hours)
16 Submission of master's thesis and summary, preparation for defense. (12 hours)

Requirements for awarding credit points

All study courses included in the master programm plan must be successfully completed in the amount of 60 CP. The Master's thesis has been successfully evaluated by the Master’s Examination Commission.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. The ITF Master's students should familiarize themselves with the methodological rules of the ITF Development and defense of the master's thesis in the "Information Technologies" study program and ITF methodological rules for the preparation of Course theses, bachelor's theses and master's theses, as well as the calendar schedule for the development of the Master's thesis
2. Master's students must independently develop the tasks defined in the master's thesis to achieve the set goal, regularly consulting with the supervisor.
3. Master's students must prepare a description of the Master's thesis, which must be drawn up in accordance with the methodological rules for drawing up the ITF, coordinated with the supervisor and submitted according to the work development calendar.
4. Master's students must prepare a presentation of the Master's thesis for the defense of the thesis.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The Master's thesis has been successfully evaluated by the Master’s Examination Commission.

Compulsory reading

1. ITF Kursa darbu, bakalaura darbu un maģistra darbu noformēšanas metodiskie noteikumi. ITF, 2022 [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
2. ITF metodiskie noteikumi Inženierzinātņu maģistra darba izstrāde un aizstāvēšana studiju programmā „Informācijas tehnoloģijas”. Development and defense of the master's thesis in the "Information Technologies" study program (in Latvian) ITF, 2022 [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Ievads pētniecībā: stratēģijas, dizaini, metodes. Sast. K. Mārtinsone. Rīga: RaKa, 2011. 284 lpp.
2. Rubene Z. Kritiskā domāšana studiju procesā. Otrais papildinātais izdevums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2008. 215 lpp.
3. Wolf C., Joye D., Smith T.W., Fu Yang-chih. The Sage Handbook of Survey Methodology. Croydon: Sage Publications Ltd, 2016. 716 p. ISBN; 978-1-4462-8266-3
4. Zinātniskā rakstīšana un pētījumu rezultātu izplatīšana. K. Mārtinsones un A.Piperes zinātniskajā redakcijā. Rīga: RSU, 2018. 301 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Scopus datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
2. Web of Science datubāzes [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
3. ScienceDirect Freedom Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
4. EBSCO eBook Academic Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
5. EBSCOhost datubāzes [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
6. Wiley Online Journals datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
7. A List of Computer Science Journals (ISI Indexed) [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: [skatīts 13.10.2022.]


ITF Master's Academic Study Program "Information Technologies".