Course code InfT3034
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation25.10.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Mg. sc. ing.
Bc. sc. comp.
DatZ1009, Introduction to Programming I
DatZ1010, Introduction to Programming II
InfT3018, Graphic Application Software
The study course provides an opportunity to learn the general development principles of creating interactive 2D and 3D programs, Augmented Reality, Virtual Real, Mixed reality in the game development platform Unity. Supplementing their interactivity with additional code programming to create applications for Google products and Android or iPhone smartphones.
As a result of studying the study course, students:
• knows the libraries of the Unity platform, development methods and their addition with programming skills - practical work and the final work of the course;
• knows how to use three-dimensional modeling tools, import three-dimensional models, create scenarios on the Unity platform, use libraries and modules in the creation of all kinds of interactive materials for different realities of the virtual environment and obtain the final application - practical works and course final work;
• is able to independently find a solution for a specific task, argue his opinion in the process of developing practical work and course final work, develop a ready-made application for VR or AR or MR - practical work and course final work.
1. Introduction to the general development principles of creating Augmented Reality, Virtual Real, Mixed reality and their application - 2h.
2. Introduction and practical experience in Unity programming with C# language - 2h.
3. Introduction to the game development platform Unity environment. Creation of 2D interactive application - 4h.
4. Creating a virtual reality virtual tour using 360-degree photo/video cameras and the Unity platform – 2h.
5. Building an Augmented Reality object tracking application on the Unity platform. In addition, using spatial objects created in the Blender program - 2h.
6. Creation of virtual reality spatial environment with interactive object game functionality (bowling) – 3h.
7. Creation of a natural environment landscape, including virtual reality elements and functionality (Terrain) – 3h.
8. Application of physics elements in the development of virtual reality on the Unity platform - 2h.
9. Creation of a training simulator for mixed reality for Hololens glasses on the Unity platform - 6h.
10. Final thesis Creation of a training simulator for virtual reality on the Unity platform - 6h.
Must have completed and defended practical works.
A final thesis must be created, described and defended.
Practical tasks must be completed during the lesson, if necessary, in additional time in the Virtual Reality laboratory and must be completed and submitted within 3 weeks from the moment of assignment.
Independent study of educational literature and online tutorials to consolidate knowledge.
To pass the course, the students must complete all pratical asigments aswell as develop, document and defend their end projets.
1. Beginning Windows Mixed Reality Programming: For HoloLens and Mixed Reality Headsets 2nd ed. 2021. Apress
2. Rethinking Virtual Places. Indiana University Press, 2021. 264 p.
3. Holistic Game Development with Unity 3e: An All-in-One Guide to Implementing Game Mechanics, Art, Design and Programming. 3rd New edition. de Byl P. CRC Press, 2019. 482 p.
4. Unity Game Development Cookbook. Ed.: P.Buttfield-Addison, T.Nugent, J.Manning. O'Reilly UK Limited, 2019. 400 p.
5. Unity darba vide [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
6. Google VR [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
7. Blender [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: - Home of the Blender project - Free and Open 3D Creation Software
8. C# Guide [tiešsaiste]: Pieejams:
Working with C# [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
Bachelor (undergraduate) level study program “Information Technologies for Sustainable Development”