Code du cours InfT3019

Crédits 3

La quantité totale d'heures en classe81

Nombre de conferences16

Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires16

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant49

Date de l'approbation du cours16.02.2011

Auteur du cours


Rudīte Čevere


1. Ince D. Software Quality Assurance – a Student Introduction. McGraw-Hill 1995. 242 lpp.
2. Guide to the software Engineering Body of Knowledge. SWEBOK, 2004, (28.01.2011)
3. IEEE Std-J-016-1995.Trial Use Standard. Standard for Information Technology. Software Life Cycle Processes Software Development. Acquirer-Supplier Agreement. (Standartizācijas biroja lasītava)
4. ISO/IEC 12207 Standard for Information Technology. Software life cycle processes (Standartizācijas biroja lasītava)

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. BS ISO/IEC 18019:2004. Software and system engineering. Guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application software (Standartizācijas biroja lasītava)
2. IEEE 1063:2001. Standard for software user documentation. (Standartizācijas biroja lasītava)
3. ISO/IEC 15910:1999. Information technology -- Software user documentation process(Standartizācijas biroja lasītava)