Course code Ekon4096

Credit points 6

Regional Development

Total Hours in Course162

Independent study hours162

Date of course confirmation19.12.2018

Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance

Course developer

author prof.

Modrīte Pelše

Dr. oec.

Prior knowledge

Ekon2119, Regional Economics

Ekon3107, European Union Projects

Ekon4091, Performance of Local Governments

Ekon4095, Methods of Regional Analysis

Ekon4097, Regional Development Planning

Course abstract

The study project is designed to strengthen students’ theoretical knowledge of regional development so that they can demonstrate a complex approach to assessing elements of the regional economy. The study project focuses on matters pertaining to resource supply, regional socio-economic disparities, their causes and consequences, harmonisation of interests in regional development and the institutional framework. It also deals with identifying regional development problems and examining opportunities for regional development by applying proper analysis methods and assessing available instruments for regional development.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students will be able to demonstrate:
the factors affecting regional development and relevant analysis methods. Study project, the presentation and defence of the study project.
1. Define the aim and specific research tasks and substantiate the relevance of the topic of a study project as well as select and apply the most proper research methods.
2. Acquire relevant data and information for the study project and aggregate, systemise and analyse them.
3. Draw relevant conclusions and proposals.
4. Independently work on the study project, using the information and assistance provided by an advisor, expert or specialist.
5. Apply proper quantitative and qualitative research methods.
6. Present and defend the research results in public and answer the questions asked by the examination commission.
Skills are assessed: the study project and the presentation and defence of the study project.
1. Comprehend the theoretical knowledge acquired and apply it in dealing with regional development matters.
2. Identify regularities in regional development.
Competences are assessed: the study project and the presentation and defence of the study project.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Choice of a topic on reginal development, a substantiation of the relevance of the topic and a definition of the research problem.
2. Definition of the research aim and specific tasks for the study project (definition of the research question).
3. Development of the structure of the study project.
4. Choice of research methods.
5. Theoretical substantiation of the relevance of the topic.
6. Practical research into the topic.
7. Elaboration of conclusions and proposals.
8. Making a list of references.
9. Adding annexes.
10. Formatting and submitting the study project.
11. Presentation and defence of the study project.

12. Assessment of the study project.

Requirements for awarding credit points

A topic for the study project has to be chosen according to the latest regional developments. The study project has to be elaborated within the time specified and submitted at the Institute of Economics and Regional Development (EKRA). The study project has to be written and formatted in accordance with the ESAF Guidelines for Writing and Defending a Study Project. The study project has to be presented for defence before a teaching staff commission appointed by the EKRA Institute.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The study project is produced independently, getting advice from the supervisor appointed for the student by the EKRA Institute. The tasks to be performed within the study project are as follows: the choice of a topic, studies of literature, including the scientific literature, research into the topic, elaboration of the study project, making a presentation and the defence of the study project before a commission

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The study project is read by the supervisor of the student, and the supervisor submits a peer-review of the study project to the commission. The study project and the presentation and defence of it is assessed by the teaching staff commission, which usually includes the supervisor. The study project is assessed on a 10-point marking scale.

Compulsory reading

1. Reģionālās attīstības indikatoru modulis:
2. Capello R., Nijkamp P. Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2009. 520 lpp.
3. Keišs S., Kazinovskis A. Reģionālā attīstība Latvijā: administratīvi teritoriālās reformas norises gaita, problēmas, risinājumi & Regional Development in Latvia: Course, Problems and Solutions of Administrative Territorial Reform. Monogrāfija. Rīga: Vītola izdevniecība, 2014. 616 lpp.
4. Latvijas ekonomikas un uzņēmējdarbības izaicinājumi (Arņa Saukas un Baibas Rivžas zinātniskajā redakcijā). Ventspils Augstskola, 2014. 227 lpp.
5. Vaidere I., Vanags E., Vanags I., Vilka I. Reģionālā politika un pašvaldību attīstība Eiropas Savienībā un Latvijā. Rīga: LU akadēmiskais apgāds, 2006. 295 lpp.
6. Pētījumu metodes ekonomikā un biznesā (sast. V. Kozlinskis). Jelgava: LLU, 2005, 37 lpp.

Further reading

1. LR likums „Reģionālās attīstības likums” Pieņemts 21.03.2002.
2. LR likums „Teritorijas attīstības plānošanas likums” Pieņemts 13.10.2011.
3. Vanags E. Valsts pārvaldes reformas ārvalstīs un Latvijā. Rīga: Latvijas Statistikas institūts, 2007.
4. Kristapsone S. Zinātniskā pētniecība studiju procesā. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2008. 352 lpp
5. Ilgtspējīgas attīstības stratēģija. Latvija – 2030.
6. Latvijas Nacionālais attīstības plāns 2014. – 2020. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr.6 (4812), 09.01.2013.
7. Dažādā Latvija: pagasti, novadi, pilsētas, rajoni, reģioni. Vērtējumi, perspektīvas, vīzijas. Rīga: Latvijas Statistikas institūts, Valsts reģionālās attīstības aģentūra, 2004. 553 lpp., 2005. 586 lpp.
8. VARAM Pētījumi un publikācijas
9. Vanags E., Vilka I. Pašvaldību darbība un attīstība. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2005. 384 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Centrālā statistikas pārvalde
2. ES fondu aktivitātes un projekti
3. Kurzemes plānošanas reģions
4. Latgales plānošanas reģions
5. Latvijas Pašvaldību savienība
6. LR Ekonomikas ministrija
7. LR Ministru kabinets
8. Rīgas plānošanas reģions
9. Valsts reģionālās attīstības aģentūra 
10. Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija
11. Vidzemes plānošanas reģions
12. Zemgales plānošanas reģions

1. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts: ISSN 1407-2041
2. Latvijas Avīze: nedēļas laikraksts: ISSN 1407-3331
3. Vides Vēstis: zaļā dzīvesstila žurnāls: ISSN 14070-2939


Restricted elective (Part B) study project for the ESAF Bachelor’s programme Economics, specialisation Regional Development and Administration