Course code BūvZ1039

Credit points 6

Computer Graphics in Land Management and Surveying

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for laboratory classes64

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation04.02.2015

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developers


Inese Bīmane

Dr. paed.


Jānis Graudulis

Bc. sc. ing.

Course abstract

Students gain insight into the history of drawing programs, get acquainted with latest program applications, their positive and negative features; get acquainted with engineering design programs MicroStation and AutoCAD, with program’s work environment, and its use for topographical plan drawing, as well as for other graphic material preparation, for areas determination and designing works. Students learn to trace the various architectural elements, design plans and other drawings, and prepare for printing in MicroStation and AutoCAD interface.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge of AutoCAD and MicroStation programs operating principles, MicroStation and AutoCAD capabilities for drawing of topographic plans and other graphic materials, determination of areas and designing.
• Skills use a variety of drawing, editing and other palettes, drawing topographical plans and other graphic material. Students are able to adjust plans and prepare for printing.
• Students acquire competence: 1) to independently address challenges and faced with problems to solve them independently or together with teachers; 2) using MicroStation and AutoCAD, draw plans and apply topographical signs for plan design; 3) collaborate with teachers and classmates.

Compulsory reading

1. Digitālās topogrāfiskās uzmērīšanas tehniskā instrukcija. Mērogi 1: 250; 1: 500; 1: 1000. Rīga: Latvijas republikas VZD. 2003. Pieejams:
2. Digitālā virsmas modeļa veidošana ar Bentley PowerSurvey. Rīga, 2006.
3. Peļiņins A., Spalis G. Automatizētā projektēšana AutoCad vidē. Rīga: Jumava, 1999. 156 lpp.
4. Peļiņins A., Spalis G. AutoCAD datorizētā projektēšana. Rīga: Jumava, 2003. 199 lpp.

Further reading

1. Apzīmējumi topogrāfiskajai kartei mērogā 1: 50 000. Rīga: LR VZD Kartogrāfijas pārvalde, 2000. 77 lpp.
2. Apzīmējumi topogrāfiskajai kartei mērogā 1: 10 000. Rīga: Latvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra. Rīga: 2007. 58 lpp..
3. Grants, V., Skadiņš, U., Petzāls, D. Datormācība. Metodiskie materiāli. ESF Projekta ietvaros izstrādātie materiāli. Rīga, 2006. 23 lpp.